Please don't use darkness arrows at public events

Thank you @Jessica_C. I don’t want a few bored players to give a bad 1st impression to new players. I want this community to grow and thrive so we all can have more fun engaging in the play style we enjoy.


I understand and completely agree. After speaking with those involved, I feel they also understand the results of their actions and will be more considerate in the future. Protecting and respecting ALL players’ enjoyment of the game is what the MK are all about and the officers are sensitive to any issue that doesn’t line up with our principles.

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it good for pvp and doing something fun at highstep

Loosing 50% of your dps is good in PvP?

Now if it added a affliction stat for anyone in the smoke, THAT would be good for PvP :wink:

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@Burnator its so funny when fight guild member with it we cant see each other :joy:

You can see everyone through the smoke…

I think that depends on your graphics settings ya?

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