Q3 Sprint Two Preview: Transmog System and Fellowship Improvements

Hey folks, we posted a quick preview of the next patch here:

Just a note, since we need a little more time to fully implement the new permission systems, anyone in your fellowship will be able to take/put in items in the chests until the update, so just be aware of that if you decide to put in valuables before the permission update.



This is all amazing, I can’t wait to use it!!

Couple quick questions!

  • How much space will the fellowship chest have, and will it be upgradeable? Do fellowship levels impact it?
  • Can you store dram in the fellowship chest?
  • What types of permissions can be associated with fellowship ranks? I assume invite permissions and deposit/withdrawal options?
  • For transmog, can you choose an empty/lack of appearance for each non-weapon slot or is hide-helm the only override for that still?
  • Are there achievements associated with unlocking appearances? Does the transmog system show every possible appearance?



I asked on Discord, but will ask here seeing as @Mathieu_D wasn’t sure

Will the friends list be getting the same treatment as the fellowship? Mainly having the people that are online at the top in alphabetical order?

The friends list needs some love


The friends list will not be receiving the same treatment initially. There are a few new features (sorting as an example) coming with the fellowship improvements that, ideally, I would like to implement in other areas of the game as well once they’ve been refined a bit.


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