Quality of Life Suggestion; Separate Trait Treats

Hello all. Devs, I would like to ask that you might entertain the idea of introducing a treat for each dragon trait, Gatherer, Jumper, and Plunderer. I have spent 10s of thousands of dram on trying to reroll my pretty new pets into the trait i want, and i would rather pay 5-6k per treat to get the trait i want, rather than spend 10-20k trying to reroll and not getting what i want. Either separate treats for each, or be given the option to choose.

Please and thank you.

Gatherer seems broken, if true maybe it needs to just be removed?

Gatherer may be broken. My understanding is that it only picks up what you walk over, which is useless imo. If it worked like Plunderer, and ran to grab nearby stuff, id be much more inclined to use it.

Gatherer is not broken but it does not do it’s job well at all.

The gather dragon should work better (similar to the plunder dragon) but currently its not doing a good job of it (like Richleth said above). Just wanted to jump in and let everyone know we are tracking the problem.


So its supposed to work like the Plunderer? thats lovely. I hope it gets fixed soon. Is it supposed to collect all harvestables?

how it worked in old orbus was that it would harvest collectibles you pass by in a very short radius to you. it’s not very useful because in the time it takes the dragon to pick it up you could have done it yourself and if you run over another node before it had collected the previous one it wouldn’t pick up the second one.

wouldn’t mind some changes to how the gatherer bonus works wile you’re fixing it @Robert :wink:


Like a chance to double harvest whenever you pull something?

Id like it to run off around me in the same distance as plunderer and pick up the various harvestable i walk by. Make it set and forget like the plunderer is about picking up loot

…plunderer picks up things on the other side of the map, on tree tops, down clifs and anywhere.

But yah, a full teleport would be reasonable.

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