Ranger Ult Charge Rate research

Okay, so i have done a bunch of tests with regards to this. Here are my results:


Range Test: Only using regular arrows here

  • 2m - Dont even bother, i never filled up the bar
  • 10m - 588 shots
  • 20m - 183 shots
  • 30m - 130 shots

Target Test: hitting targets with regular arrows

  • 20m - 186 shots

Charged Shot Test: charged regular arrows only

  • 20m - 40 shots

Piercing Arrow Test: piercing arrows only

  • 20m - 74 shots


Range Test: Regular arrows only

  • 10m - Did not calculate
  • 20m - 201 shots (1.1x more shots than precision)
  • 30m - 161 shots (1.2x more shots than precision)

Charged Shot Test: charged regular arrows only

  • 20m - 39 shots

Piercing Arrow Test: piercing arrows only

  • 20m - 75 shots

Charge Percentages

  • Piercing Arrow - 1.33% per arrow
  • Charged Shot - 2.56% per arrow
  • Regular arrow (precision) - 0.54% per arrow
  • Regular arrow (rapidity) - 0.5% per arrow


  • Range matters drastically for both rapidity and precision. Going below 20m is not a good idea
  • Charged shots and piercing arrows both are better at charging, but they charge the same amount for rapidity and precision
  • Hitting targets doesnt increase charge speed at all
  • Precision basic arrows charge slightly faster (1.1-1.2x) than rapidity arrows,
  • When using the full rotation, rapidity charges only slightly slower than precision on a per arrow basis (1.04x).
  • Rapidity would need to shoot only 1.15 shots per second in order to match the charge rate of precision rangers at one per second.

I have the logs for my tests if you want to see them. You can also do the tests yourself :sob: .

Yea that data makes more sence of what I’ve been seeing. I’m never able to charge up my super in shards anymore. If I’m lucky, I can get 1 per run, and that’s assuming no wipes. Feels like the only time I ever have one to use anymore is when I’m out grinding and occasionally in a raid. :frowning:

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