Reborn Patch 10.84

Okay, I’ll look into it, I thought it was working. The hard part’s done at this point so hopefully it should be fairly easy to fix.

We are experiencing an issue where the zone around Highsteppe is resetting when people are doing Randel’s quest. We are working on a fix now.

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I sem to be getting big FPS drops whilst mobing around now… I was not getting that before the patch… I basically cannot cast and move

Are you in the area around Highsteppe? That zone has reset like 8 times in the last 10 minutes.

EDIT: I think it should be stable now, so try restarting you client and then let me know if that didn’t fix it.

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We just pushed out a small server-side patch which should hopefully fix the progress not saving for Battlegorunds Missions bug for any BGs that start from now on.

We also moved the spawners in the Broken Halls dungeon to hopefully prevent aggroing through walls most of the time.



You can’t seem to reroll rings at the moment. Heard 2 different people mention this over Discord.

Okay I see the problem we’ll get that fixed.


For clarification, is the mage’s Arcane Missile explosion reduction just visual or was it the effective radius that was reduced?

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Only visual. I tried to tell it not to touch that one, did it anyway?

Gotcha, cool. Ty :slight_smile:

I have no clue. Just read the notes and was like “0-0 oh no.” xD

I’d really like to see a black border put around the ranger’s weak points. This would help a lot with visibility around mages fireballs and the 2nd boss in crypt who is also mostly red.


We now get stuck inside battlegrounds when a game ends, The leave button doesn’t seem to work anymore.

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Okay I see the problem, should be fixed in the next one. For now if you relog does it fix it? Or does it keep sticking you back in the one that ended?

Thankfully you don’t get stuck! Once the game has ended everyone had to relaunch their games to get out.

Okay, let me know if the next one is working, thanks.

Riley will you please look into the compass problem for rangers. Aka the journal pulling out while in combat and blocking our view. It’s minor but gets aggravating in shards

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This would be great, could also do with being always on top, bosses from side on cover them with their arms, this is especially bad on crypt boss 1 as he’s got them big hulk arms

couldnt you just do :
tap-> automatic release on finish
hold(x time)-> keep the spell and cast on next tap

i think this would be the best of both worlds and be more obvious.

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