Reborn Patch 10.90

from beginning of update till now. maybe remove 10 mins

Oh okay, cool. So it’s not super-fast then, about 1.5 hours per full-charge with a well-geared group?

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I can tell you, you will like those cat shoulders :sweat_smile:

They drops are labeled orange and the cape we get from grinding is same as raid normal cape and showing purple. Orange is normally legendary and purple is epic. So that is why we assumed they were legendary.

Are there any legendary drops with the grinder? Also I would have loved to see way more lvls for grinding.

Yeah fully geared coordinated group.

The cape you are getting from the raids is the wrong one, its just a duplicate of the one from the grinder as a place holder as I haven’t imported in the Raid cape yet.

I would say we are well-geared as well (at least +3) and didn’t make it to one full charge in that time, four people in the group… but we also tried other mobs on level 4 not knowing we need only red ones for the last level. Needs more testing, but I still would find it sad if it takes so much longer for solo-players; typically I can only attack singles at max, in group we could down the many groups, cleared wasteland back and forth, can’t even imagine that solo, in days. As for the drop rate, I got a cape from my first four levels, that is cool, but the rest was not worth it, I mean two chests with 2 blue scales each, hmmm… :smiley:

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The chance of getting the good “unique” loot scales up higher at higher charge levels. So just something to consider.

Also, the charge rate works the same as XP gain does, meaning that in a larger group you are dividing the XP up so you need to kill things faster to get the same rate you might get solo. My assumption is that a 3-person group with the max XP chain bonus going would be the fastest way to charge it, but a solo player could definitely still hold their own.


So is GRINDING an activity geared specifically for end-game players as well? Seems that you can only hit level 5 and reset it from level 30+ mobs?

What level enemies do we need for earlier GRINDING levels? Can there be a way to reset it manually for players who are lower level, so they can get the benefit without getting stuck at some rank and being unable to do anything?


I am beside myself in excitement for that shoulder kitty!!! Shoulder animal transmogs are the best!


Yeah we are talking about that internally. We might do something where you can reset it on a cooldown or something like that.


I would love to see it a little bit more of a grind. I guess hardcore players can finish all transmogs in 2 days? And no good reason for grinding except making a bit of money I guess?

Also we have had a sample of 12 ppl lvling from lvl 4 to 5 and everyone got about 4 items from it and nothing legendary. It almost looks like the lvl 4 to 5 is giving the least reward for some reason?

I mean the odds of a drop roll at each level are pretty low so probably the sample size is just really small right now. You definitely have a higher chance at higher levels.

I don’t think I’ve seen the mount drop for anyone yet? That’s the rarest item. We tried to find a mix of medium-rarity (e.g. the transmogs) so that if you grinded it you could pretty much get it, and then low-rarity (e.g. the mount and one of the dyes) so that you had a longer-term goal to work toward, and then maybe you can sell those medium-rarity items along the way.

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Okay good to know there are rarer items like the mount. I assumed all the items were medium rare that is how it sounded initially. But thnx for the info that there are rarer items. Maybe change the other items to purple icon to better represent the rarity.

Indeed they will be changed in a patch (probably tomorrow).

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Just rolled out a quick hotfix for a bug with pathing in Overworld zones, sorry for the hiccup on that. Should be the last one tonight hopefully.

all mounts don’t show on quest, do the other cosmetics?

Would you consider adding PVP-only drops for GRINDING? For example, a chance for Trickster tokens if you max it out with PVP enabled the whole time. Would be a really great incentive.

We put out a patch for Quest as well that catches it up with the various bugfixes from today. Given that it doesn’t seem to do a great job of keeping patch sizes small I hate to do more than one in a day, but I also don’t want left-handed Musketeers on Quest to not work, so here we are :slight_smile:


Yes transmogs do. Mounts on other players don’t right now but we are working on that.

I doubt we would mix in Trickster Goblin Tokens to that since that would make them too easy to get, but we’ll see, maybe we can add a special drop to it for PvP enabled players.


It is SOOOOOOO CUTE :heart_eyes:


on quest I can see crown mounts (maybe all?) also, the creationism cast bar bug is back