Remove raid party limitations

So in another thread this was mentioned but I think it needs its own thread or otherwise it will be lost again. Ppl in a raid party should still get loot exp etc. The old game restrictions should be removed.

I already lvled a lvl with my GRINDER without getting the chest followed by realizing it was because I was still in an inactive raid party.
Ppl are also turning in missions while still being in a raid party losing a lot of xp that way.
Raid trash going to be fully useless, etc, etc.


I was doing daily missions before the raid today and was in the raid party when I handed in 2 missions missing all XP from it because of this. I don’t understand why there is even a reason to have XP and loot drops removed when in a raid apart from trolling people.

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We will definitely discuss this restriction and what changes to make to it or whether or not to remove it outright.


If you do decide not to remove it, it would be great to know why. I cannot think of a reasonable reason for this right now.


And if you decide to not remove it please add an big red warning or just make it at least so that we cant turn missions in, a friend lost about 10 missions :roll_eyes:


Just finished the raid and I went to turn in some dailies so I could pick up some more and I forgot I was still in the raid so my exp got eaten. Luckily I noticed after turning in just 1 quest. This is really frustrating. I don’t understand what sense this makes at all.


did the same after our first raid, lost 3 missions worth of xp

that just happened to me too… Lost 3 missions worth fack.

Logged in, and had saved up almost a page of quests that I turned in in a frenzy. After about 10 I wondered why I diddent level up. I was in a freeking raid party of unknown.
There is litterly no reason why quest xp should be stopped if you are in a raid party. Please fix this…


Even if the limits aren’t removed, what about having the dialog with the “you are now in a raid party” appear every time someone logs in while in a raid party? Or a confirmation dialog that says, “Are you sure you want to turn this in? You are currently in a raid party.” Or even, “You cannot turn in quests while in a raid party. Please leave the party and try again.”

(Personally, I’d prefer a combo of the first and third options - because I don’t always realize I’m in a raid party when I go grinding and can’t figure out why things aren’t dropping until I give up and try to join the dungeon queue)


We will include a change in the next patch (probably Monday or Tuesday) so that things such as quests and missions can be turned in while in a Raid party and you will still get XP. We’ll also look into adding a notice that you are in a Raid party every time you login, although the problem with that is the way the game is designed that will likely be “every time you enter a zone”, which could be annoying, but maybe over-notifying on this is better than under-notifying on it.


I’d rather be spammed with messages than waste my time

Well that or … just remove the limitations instead… I rather don’t see the spamming happen if removing the limitations is about the same trouble with an even more fool proof result.


Yeah I don’t really see what them limitations are trying to achieve… just annoys people for no reason

Drop rates and xp are already divided up when in a party as well


So what is the reason for this change instead of just allowing exp in raids and being done with it?


Why both instead of just one or the other?

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