Runemage Reborn Spell Bug

During the raid I was casting like 15 a triplicity and everything then the next second nothing. Every spell I did I got either a poof or just nothing. Now this not about my skill level. I did every spell I know and couldn’t even get mana shield. This has happened a few times to a few people I know. It’s not just about messing up, in fact in highsteppe I was chain casting 13 spells every 8 seconds and then literally nothing. This has happened at least 3 times today. Going to graveyard didn’t work, I wasn’t desynched, and restarting the game didn’t do anything.

This just happens a lot everywhere. For me mostly in Broken Halls Dungeon.

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Logged on today and it was happening all the time in airship… pretty horrid.

Pretty annoying isn’t it? Do you know a fix perhaps?

This never happened that bad in the old game, for me it’s a reborn thing.
It’s been reported a while ago already but yeah…

Oh my mistake I didn’t see it

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