Slide Movement Issues

I don’t know if this is how it works on other devices but on Oculus Quest if my controller is not directly facing forward then my joystick directions change. The joystick movement is in relation to my physical body and not to the controller itself.

For example let’s say forward is N, backwards S, left W, and right E.
If my controller is facing E, I would need to move my joystick W on the controller and forward in relation to my body.

Also sometimes when my hand has lost tracking and is spinning in place, once I get the tracking back my movement controls become inverted. This makes moving out of telegraphs incredibly difficult.

Edit: I’ve only ever had this happen with the controller that has strafing, never had it happen with the controller for turning

Try looking in locomotion, there should be a setting for movement based on head gaze or controller direction. Also matters if you picked roomscale etc as well.

Edit: pretty sure roomscale matters for quest maybe not.

If I set to headgaze don’t I start turning the direction that I’m looking?

Head gaze: If you look foward and you press foward on your controller, you’ll move foward no matter where your controller is.

While: Controller direction:
If you’re looking foward but your controller is facing the exact opposite direction, and you press foward on the controller, you’ll go backwards.

Thanks I’ll give this a try. I was told that it basically let your face dictate where you turn.
Hopefully this fixes my issue. Cheers.

As a quest player: headgaze > controller direction every day.
Even if you need to jump back, the teleport function is never disabled.

Yea I’ve switched to head gaze, and while it’s not perfect or what I would like, it’s been the best of the options for me though it’s taken some minor adjusting

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