Stick drift only in orbus

I am using the valve index controllers and have been getting very minor stick drift in game. I feel like more and more people are having this issue in game. If the game could implement some sort of stick deadzone I feel like it would be a lot less of an issue. I dont know how hard it would be to do that but orbus is the only game I am having this issue in right now.

We do account for deadzone, but the Index controllers just behave differently. Something you can do to fix it is adjust the deadzone for your controllers yourself through the Steam input configuration. You can make a control profile specifically for our game to tweak it.

I personally finally got my replacement Index kit, so I’ve finally been able to play around with it. There are other issues people have such as the sticks registering clicks when you tilt the stick far enough. Turns out, the default steam configuration just has a ‘click’ event assigned to the joystick when you tilt it far enough. Don’t ask me why that is there by default. Most of the common problems people are having with their Index controllers can be fixed by messing with the input configurator in Steam.

I’m hoping soon at the very least, we can make an official default steam configuration that gets used when users first play the game so we can avoid all of the common problems these controllers are having.


Its probably worth checking your controllers on steam as mine had a serious issue with the right stick and is being replaced now through the steam support after i told them about it. Hopefully yours isnt broken but never know

To check: Start SteamVR and go to Menu > Devices > Controller Settings > Test Controller.

Thanks, I just looked at it and the left one is apparently drifting slightly but they have built in deadzone settings I didn’t know about in the controller settings so that fixed all my issues.

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