Stuck on loading

hello, I have around 11 hours in the game,

today, when i tried to log in it, was stuck on loading I have reinstalled 3 times in an attempt to fix it to no avail. i am on oculus nif ntrhatg helps troubleshoot

Hi, what is your character name? Have you tried a different character just to see if it loads properly?

CroV2 is the character name. It doesn’t offer any options, just says loading news and loading under the character selection

Can you look into the following folder: C:\Users[Name Here]\AppData\LocalLow\Orbus Online, LLC\OrbusVR
for the output_log.txt file and send it over to [email protected] ? Just link the thread in the email and we can take a look when we get a chance and see what’s going on to fix it.

sent it. thank you in advance

I apologise, there is no output_log.txt in the folder screenshot shown below

Oh, sorry - try looking at your Oculus Apps\Software\OrbusVR\ folder, it may be under the folder “resources” if one exists.

found one, sending it now via email

putting information here incase someone needs to look it up

On the oculus store changing the folder that the game is installed under fixed the issue for me. Reinstalling did not change anything, only using the store menu to change the install location fixed the issue. No having to relogin or anything just sudden fix.

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