Tavern Way Too Bright

The Tavern is way too bright. Here is a pic of xHidden in the tavern to demonstrate. :wink:


I am the light!

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Yo how many glowing potions and what kind of settings are you on. Because this is NOT what I and others experienced lol

about 2 or three of us were using light spells, lantern potions, giant potions, and ithicac

it was the ultimate experience


We didnt change any graphic settings. We used potions and spells but even without all that the tavern is really bright and there are no shadows.

What fresh hell … I mean, it’s beautiful.

Everyone always complained the tavern in old Orbus was too dark. Now the new one is too bright! :grin: Personally, I like it, but I was in there when it was empty.

+1 I complain. me like dark. me no like bright tavern :slight_smile:

The tavern would look a lot better dark with actual light sources. Also it feels too big, less cozy. Seems like it expects to hold a ton of people, not enough stuff in it (although few tables, etc).

The tavern in OG was comfortable for a small gathering, but the only time it was used was for huge gatherings. There were also tables and chairs spaced across the room that people would trip over. I believe they’re trying to make the new inn large enough with plenty of open space. The bright static lighting is to improve performance for those large gatherings. I believe the devs are going to make the side rooms instanced so small groups can have a more comfortable option.

I came to the same conclusion but hold my opinion based off my expected usage of the tavern, unless the dev’s decide to do something with it. If they need optimization then they should build that into the graphics setting.

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