The role and purpose of a Ranger

Perhaps while ‘masked’ by the smoke all affected mobs take an additional charged shot damage % or are weaker to magic damage… thus creating a usefulness for ranger and mage to co-exist?


Sorry but as a high level runemage I can safely say there is a speed cap to all spells; a moment where you have to wait for a split second after cast and after shooting the spell where you can’t cast, there is a delay before you can fire the spell and a delay can happen after if your too fast.

I see my Ranger as

  • Fokus DD
  • the one that pull the Mobs to the Tank and survive
  • kill wandering Adds and survive
  • save the Mages/Musk from Adds, bring them to the Tank and … survive :wink:

I have a big Problem with my 6 Globes! I think It should be the other way around.
At the Beginning the Globes should be charged and missing or moving reduces the concentration and so the Globes. If you concentrat, stand still and/or hit in a row, the Globes are filling up again.
Maybe a littel more crit Chance and crit Dmg and the Ranger would be perfect.

The other problem is the distance … nearly in every Bossfight you must stick together at some point and
you have no Golbes because of the short distanz to the Boss.
I must teleport to an efficient distanz, fill up my Globes and than I can make Dmg on the Boss … that takes way too long.
I love to be a Ranger but at Soulkeeper I want to be a Mage!

Not really,

Soul Keeper is the only boss where you have to go in and out of orb range.
Worm Boss you may have to go close to kill a worm.

2 other bosses have a mechanic that target you where you should stop DPS anyways to allow tank to get aggro back.

The core issue comes down to that Mage has equal damage and utility.
There is no downside to having 2 or 3 mage DPS except that their DOTs may overlap.

Sure Hunters Mark may help, but I feel that doesn’t justify what Mage brings to the table.

I suggest you give Rangers something to benefit the group or the mage.

For example, you could give the Ranger an arrow that increases magic damage received by 50% for 5 seconds with a 30 sec cooldown.

This would justify you bringing a Mage and Ranger.
This would cause Rangers in a 10 man to work together to cycle the arrow debuff on a Boss.
This would cause you make a decision if the Boss requires Poison/Piercing or Poison/Debuff, depending on if the Mage is just decursing or AoE’ing adds the majority of the fight.

Food for thought.


I’ve been thinking this ever since day 1 of being a ranger.
I feel like having a “power mode” that is reliant on stamina would be super cool.

Basically hold down the left trigger to engage it and it starts draining stamina, but during that time you have a aiming cursor and a target shows up somewhere on each enemy, your shots do bonus damage if they hit the target, Or hitting the target breaks it, lowering the targets defenses or causing a bleed or slow.

This would allow them to excel in single target damage and make the class feel a little more exciting having specific spots to aim at, maybe having a few pre-set target locations on each enemy and each time you engage the skill it randomly picks one of the targets. This way it keeps things interesting so you aren’t always aiming for the same spot on every enemy.

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also its not a question of mages and rangers having equal dps, Mages 100% has more, which i have seen evidently recently by a mage being able to fire ball 2 spam kill a standing still self healing musket, while a ranger cant come close

One can also change some spells of Mages to work with hits of rangers. I was typing “affliction can”…but the problem is that mages would lose AoE if I go down that path…

Anyways I was thinking that a debuff spell could be applied onto monsters that make them susceptible to physical attacks. I was thinking affliction…

Obviously biased :slight_smile: but I think my suggestion for vulnerability points would give rangers added utility and make combat more dynamic in general.

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I would just like more to do as a ranger. Carefully aming and sudden emence burst damage (nerfed now for some reason) is nice, but it’s a bit… dull?

Just adding in something ells to do… another utility, a extra arrow, support, damage buff, slow arrowes or something?


Right now rangers are just a type of healthier dps, that avoid melee more then mages.

Just adding another idea to the thread.

Maybe a “Decoy” ability to replace the hunters trap. An orb you could throw that would poof into a doppelganger that would taunt nearby enemies, if the enemies are left alone, they’ll attack the decoy till it dies. If they’re hit at all they will agro to the person that hit them.

This would preform a similar job to the trap, but allow for it to effect multiple enemies at once, and it would be more viable for use in mid-fight. Rather than setting up a trap to have an enemy run into it, you can throw it at some enemies who may have agrod onto the healer or mages

Edit: The hunters trap (to me) is the biggest fault in the class. It’s applicable uses to ensure the smooth completion of a fight are Zero to Zero. However if a musketeer and warrior don’t use their turrets or horns, you’re sure to wipe. Since mages have all their utility in different spells, they don’t need a trinket item. But the trap is just such an underwhelming ability, and doesn’t offer a major roll like the other 2 trinket items in the game. Changing this ability seems like the main key to fixing the class and making the players feel like they have a greater meaning in the world of Orbus besides zero utility DPS that’s still less than mages


I can imagine multiple boss fights where this could be used extremely well if applicable.

Dodging sentry’s heavy
Soul keeper’s aggro switch
Tank keeper’s jump

General pulling aggro off tank if they need heals…

I like it.

I really like the decoy idea.

So far - still being a very new player - i am up to ranger level 11. And the amount of times a trap has been useful for me is extremely low. So low, that i stopped using it completely many levels ago.

The only time i do use it now, is when a mob i recently killed suddenly respawns within a much too low amount of time (and me having moved to the spot where it previously died). Quite often during fighting another mob ofcourse. In that case i sometimes get to throw the trap, back away and either kill it or run and live to tell about it. It is also one of the few cases where i wouldn’t have applied poison to my target which renders the current trap completely useless instead of just useless most of the time.

Changing the trap from a root with break on damage to a decoy with pull on damage would ofcourse do nothing to the balance this thread is about. But it would make a useful utility both in solo and group at least.


Your last part of this comment was interesting. I might agree. What would be interesting is getting additional trinkets somehow.

This however has drawbacks but I think rangers would be happy if new things did happen to their trap.

Outside of leveling the trap is useless because it takes time that you could have been putting into anything else.

There’s only one solution to all of this: Fish arrows.

That’s right. Fish Arrows.

In the middle of battle you reach into your quiver for another arrow and, what’s this? A fish? Without a second thought, without losing a beat, you send that fish flying…

It is important to note that suddenly, and against all probability, a fish had been called into existence into a strange environment. And since this is not a naturally tenable position for a fish, this innocent creature had very little time to come to terms with its identity. This is what it thought as it flew. ‘Ahhh! Whoa! What’s happening? Who am I? Why am I here? What’s my purpose in life? What do I mean by ‘who am I’? Okay, okay, calm down, calm down, get a grip now. Ooh, this is an interesting sensation. What is it? It’s a sort of a tingling in my… well, I suppose I better start finding names for things. Let’s call it a… tail! Yeah! Tail! And hey, what’s this roaring sound, whooshing past what I’m suddenly gonna call my head? Wind! Is that a good name? It’ll do. Yeah, this is really exciting! I’m dizzy with anticipation! Or is it the wind? There’s an awful lot of that now, isn’t it? And what’s this thing coming toward me very fast? So big and flat and round, it needs a big wide sounding name like ‘Ow’, ‘Ownge’, ‘Round’, ‘Ground’! That’s it! Ground! Ha! I wonder if it’ll be friends with me? Hello Ground!’ …

Curiously, the only thing that went through the mind of Soul Keeper as it fell, was: ‘Oh no, not again.’

Just sayin.


Well, just like you can grab a special arrow in the same fluid motion as you draw your bow string, you can grab your trap and throw it and immediately fire a normal arrow in the same motion.

But i still think you are right though, since the trap breaks on damage it is most likely useless doing so outside of leveling.

Douglas Adams referrences find their way to the strangest places do they not :laughing:

(for those who haven’t got a clue what this is about, it is a referrence to a part of Douglas Adams’ “The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy”)

Incidentally i am 42 years old… For a few months more at least (another referrence :wink: )

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