The state of PvP in Orbus

I should start by saying I’m not much of a PvPer so my thoughts on this are not as important as those players who are really into PvP. I’d really like to hear the thoughts from those of you that are into PvP.

In the little experience I have had with PvP in original Orbus and now the battlegrounds in Reborn it seems to me that all the fighting is pretty much a spaz fest with players just jumping around as fast as possible to make themselves very hard to hit with projectiles. This is a result of how movement works in this game with teleporting and how you see other players move on the client side. I’m not saying it doesn’t require a high level of skill to be good at PvP as it currently is but I think PvP could be more fun if there was more strategy involved and less reliant on being skilled at jumping around super fast to dodge hits. I’m not sure what a good solution would be either. I think it would have to involve fundamental changes in how players move in PvP and how you see other players move on the client side.

Do those of you who really enjoy PvP like this as it is or do you think it could be better?


Not that i’m really into PvP :slight_smile: , but I also wondered about teleport-movement and nobody brought up this point in the existing PvP thread yet. Wished I could test it more in bgs (there SHOULD be 2:2 or even 1:1 bgs/duels… noone ever joined in the queue when I tried, for hours), but I found it ridiculously easy to escape player’s shots and spells in the open world just by teleporting.

If I hop around a player, teleporting frantically, not one shot seems be able to hit me and it’s not even possible to predict where I show up next. In return I got the impression I need to walk directly in front of a player’s body like a tank to get any shots to hit, at all.

The one or two times I died from a PK in my whole orbus-life was because I stood still and didn’t care, clickin around in settings instead. So, if to kill someone he needs to be engaged with a PvE mob, unarmed/fishing or otherwise be surprised and shot in the back or such, well, that got nothing to do with PvP-“fights”. Comparing Orbus with classic pvp-games there’s rarely a teleport-option, not only because they are non-vr, but also likely for that reason.

I guess a good reference could be pavlov or onwards as they are both projectile based games. They seem to have a fairly popular game with a movement system that people like for PvP.

I think movement in PvP is something that needs to be addressed, the current spam teleporting doesn’t feel or look good, and heavily favors certain classes. The simplest step which could be taken to address this would be to give teleporting a short (~1-2 seconds) cooldown in PvP situations. This is more of a band-aid than a fix, but it would make teleporitng more strategic and get rid of the stutter-y rapid teleporting.

A better, but more complicated solution would require deeper changes to the movement system. A system I think would work well, without requiring too many changes would be something like this:
In PvP combat, teleport is disabled, but sliding speed remains high (~50-100% of out of combat sliding speed). Moving does not use stamina, and clicking a direction on the touchpad (or whatever rift’s normal teleport control is) causes you to dodge quickly in that direction, consuming some stamina. This dodge would be equivelant to a short-medium teleport in that direction. Dodge would only work if you have enough stamina, I would imagine something around 50% of the stamina bar would be balanced so that dodging is strategic and doesn’t just become the same spam teleporting issue we currently have.
This system means combat is still mobile, but movement is easier to predict because it is sliding based.


A non-stamina delay on teleportation in combat in general seems like a great idea, personally. Possibly just on larger teleports? Might change a whole lot of the PVP landscape at once, but might be a healthier system than the current one.

I also think that you should be able to challenge someone to a duel when you see someone or from your friends list.

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