Trickster Goblin Day 2 Discussion

Right? Then you are pretty much in agreement with me that the monopoly continues i guess… No cake and no goodie bag for anyone else. No instrinsic motivation and no extrinsic motivation.

I mean… Anything can change with game mechanics so I wouldn’t be so sure about that.

Just wanted to quote this properly as I think it was skipped over pretty fast.

Next goblin spawning soon to gather more qualitative experienced based data :star_struck:

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If players could get the tokens from other sources even in smaller amounts, the monopoly on that gear wouldn’t be limited to one fellowship. Say if you could trade honor points for a token, you could build it up in the battlegrounds. The goblin should be the fastest way to get the tokens to encourage people to try for it. As it is now I won’t even try for a token because it sounds like the risk vs reward payoff is just not there.

Number of people in PvP seen: 5 (3 from LC (might have been more than that actually), 2 from carnage)


  • I didn’t see the notification for the goblin death. (my log alert system told me though just not the game)
  • I didn’t see the beam for the goblin location once it was dead.
  • I didn’t see the goblin after it spawned.
  • I couldn’t get a team together to compete this time around.
  • When zoning in to wastelands there were 3 LC members sitting there waiting. 5 seconds is not long enough to get away from the teleport pillar i think. It takes around 3 seconds just to get the black screen to go away.

The changes have made absolutely no difference to my experience so far…

Delightfulness rating: 1 out of 5.

I noticed a couple of others thing that make me dislike PvP right now too:

  1. My armor gets broken after getting killed a few times. This just widens the gap between the best and worst players. It doesn’t make any sense to have this feature enabled for PvP deaths. Armor repairing was actually originally introduced in to MMOs for 2 reasons; 1 was to stop people from spawn running to bosses over and over and the other was as a currency sink to keep the economy steady and not over inflated. Neither of these cases apply to PvP right now.

  2. The timer on when someone can attack you after zoning in is still too low.


This serves as a deterrent against never-ending fights, at the least. I’d love to see some other penalty for PVP though, like dropping some sweet, sweet dram or something.

or maybe an option between the two.

maybe add the indestructible affix to the game again as an armor affix.
this way you could get around loosing gear, but you’d have to give up some damage/defense affix.

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Alright look… I have seen enough for now… I think personally I am going to stop attending the goblin events until I see some significant changes again…

  • The beam just is not visible enough (never saw it).
  • The death notification for the goblin just for whatever reason doesn’t appear sometimes.
  • The area is just too wide to even make it to the location with a beam anyway…
  • The frequency at which the goblin spawns is neither too frequent or not frequent enough but it is enough to make me want to break out of other stuff i am doing in life and jump in to orbus which isn’t healthy for me given the amount of time this takes away from my day so I will have to stop doing these tests at some point so I may as well stop doing them now.

I am actually gonna just log out of the forums for a few days to take a break from it because its taking too much time away from me. Ill try catch up on topics or whatever at the weekend i guess.

Someone else can feel free to continue trying to force people to compete in the goblin events but you cant make someone drink coffee if they don’t like it so i don’t think this is the right approach.

So you have tried to teleport camp us the last few gobs, dont see why you’re complaining now. We even waited until you tried to escape to down you. There was a group of 2, you, and a group of 3 vs 5 LC. The count matters because you’re making it seem a lot less popular than it is and also snuffing 3 or 4 here and there ignores an entire team that shows.

We couldn’t find the goblin for awhile. Made us panic for a second. We split up searching. I got attacked by the group of 3 and downed them, super proud moment! We found & killed the gob and then stayed at its death spot until the beacon disappeared to give everyone a fair chance at grabbing the tokens. The beam was in a spot that made it very hard to see. It’s clear into the sky. if you try again I’m sure you will see it.

I went to the event but without pvp on. I got a notification while in playerhouse stating goblin will spawn. Went to the wasteland’s ran around for 10-15 mins, got another notification stating the goblin died. Seen the Red beam on far side of map over top of the cave. I would say the mechanics are working.

Perhaps the beam should be black instead of using the same colors of public events, also i would rather the beam is shown when the goblin spawns rather than when it dies.


Green! Green for goblin !

but a dark green, otherwise it’d be very similar to public event beams

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Green is already used for public events, also black for death when you find us there =)

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Itd be so cool if the sky turned green in zone gob was in but would probs be a pain in the butt

The beam should be purple :grin:


Doesn’t seem worth doing imo. Same people get it everytime( not their fault just no competition) not really worth it to me to even check it out anymore…

Maybe if it was a free for all (no working together) it would work and the same people that win could just fight with each other over it. Reward should also be pvp specific since no one else is going to participate until another pvp guild or more seasoned players appear.

what do you mean by the Reward should also be pvp specific

Im always up for some pvp…
But I’m on my quest until the 25th, travling France!

I honestly enjoy the current goblin setup, people are actually bothering to talk about pvp.

Slightly to much focus on the goblin and tokens which should be a secondarry thing, more pvp’ers in the open world is good, and actually discussing and fixing realy old problems is nice.

Now stop swatting at LC and let them have some fun. I’m mostly hearing whining that they are better then you. Well they are, deal with it :wink:


I’m not trying to swat, sorry if it came out like that lol they are wayyyyy better than me . I think they are all great players it just must be boring for them is all. I’m not a pvp person but I love checking out new content. I think it’s just a turn off for your average player who wants to occassionally try it out when your just gonna get stomped and never even see the goblin or leave the area around the safe zone. Theres no reason for a non seasoned pvp to participate. I think this would work great as is if we already had a huge pvp player base but we just dont yet.