Typo Scavenger Hunt

Necroing this for “Lamavaora Battlefield”

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“Captian” -> “Captain” on the Marlowe quest.

Should be “might have” or “might’ve”.


We’re still fixing up the …

Helga wants it in top condition…

A hell of a beating

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I’m pretty sure this is a run-on sentence. It could be fixed a couple ways. I think there is supposed to be a period between “…your missions. I’ve too much to ponder…”

More lore typos :slightly_smiling_face:

Quest Spoilers

I’ve slept good the last couple nights as she seemed to have stopped screaming. I swear, the last time I heard it, it sounded like it was just on the other side…

(Also, this paragraph mixes the pronouns ‘it’ and ‘she’ but both refer to the same subject)

I also don’t know why it keeps putting the emphasized words on a separate line. The preview doesn’t do this… :thinking:

Well. You sleep well, not good.

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If it’s someone talking, grammar doesn’t matter. People speak incorrectly all the time.

Yea I forget commas all the time when talkin :wink: … no seriously, ‘wrong’ grammar/typos are a wholly different thing than slang or people using their own grammar. Players sensible to typos think the game is broke stumbling over most of mentioned things; while a personal color of wording things/slang is easy to indicate when writing dialogues.

I wonder for example if “might of” was put intentionally, I heard people saying this - albeit not in this context -, while many of the others (specially typos in words, punctuation) should be fixed, they just look broke if not.

It’s not someone talking. It is a pain to read text when it isn’t even written correctly.

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Voice acting would go a long way with VR storytelling


As well as some actual bodylanguage, instead of just standing there like a statue.

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“plateua” -> “plateau”

Also the sentence is buggered. It reads like the “though” should have been part of the prior sentence, with “help” starting a new one. Doesn’t make sense written like this.

This is a run-on sentence and should be broken either with a period or semicolon before “return”.

… Highsteppe and the surrounding areas.

Lamavoria -> Lamavora

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The racing ruins can can now, apparently. Not sure what the intended text was: “can cause”? “can have”? “can be”?

Several of these dragon races have comma splices, no subject, or strange wording:

8 - “… to trick the dragons, [this race forces you to] find the correct path…” [no subject for dependent clause, causing the independent second clause to be confusing]

17 - “… swallow your dragon, [so] veer high…” [comma splice]

24 - “Why should the birds be the only ones to fly so high[? J]oin them flying…” [comma splice]

27 - “… lay [below Hulthine’s] Basin” [double directions makes this confusing]

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you guys are funny you guys find every grammar mistakes you like the language police :rofl:

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