Update 11.01- Tinkerer Crafting Profession Release

Patch should be live now.

Where does Wood Cog come from, is that even implemented? Nobody in guild got a single drop of it yet… (if some player got it, add spoilers ty…)

Wood Cog:

Dungeon bosses. Our theory it is only dropping from scaled dungeon queue bosses. Because we didn’t get it from shards so far and didn’t get it killing 1 boss about 30x with 2 ppl.

Only heard of 1 dropping from a shaled queue dungeon though.

(It says it is dropping from bosses in the blogpost too)

That is our experience, we did a full dungeon, not queued and single kills, nothing. But yea ty then we try more… shouldn’t really matter if you are queued or not, right. Very odd.

It gives you bonus xp first queued dungeon of the day so it def sees the difference between queued and not.

Spoiler: (not sure how to do the blockout text?)

I got it a few days ago. Think it was a Broken Halls 4?

K so it is really really rare then.

All i am saying is there is no reason to have it completely unrestricted, thats all. The only reason you would use this out of a safezone is to abuse it. So why would the devs do that?

I don’t know if you have tested the distance the camera can be used from, but its pretty insane, and can be thrown really high for a bird’s eye view.

Using it in safezones for testing runes is about all its good for, and it’s intended use.

Also on the ‘slight advantage’ it gives you, it would be better than an invis pot, and have infinite uses/duration. It would give you the ability to see others while they cant see you, not only that but you can watch one direction while the camera watches another area.

It should be enabled for safezones, highsteppe city and dungeons, but other than that it really shouldnt. Even if there was no way to abuse it in a meaningful way, there is also no reason to enable it for anywhere PVP use and only adds risk of abuse if done, but i am sure the devs are already aware of that.

Now i don’t want to turn this thread into a ‘should the raven camera be available everywhere for pvp’ thread, so if anyone does wanna talk about that, someone could make a separate thread i guess. Other than that, that is all i have to say on this in this thread.

It could be shard bosses only, I was getting no wood cogs from a lot of dungeon queued dungeons.

it’s also normal dungeons, I’ve gotten one from a normal dungeon que boss

eh, video making? the original purpose of it? Or all I really wanna do with it, exploring the world from a different view.

You can throw it high up, but as soon as the distance between you and the camera is more than 75m(the render distance for objects, mobs, players), it disappears and the desktop view goes back to first person view.

It would most definitely not be better than an invis pot, you could see others while you’re hiding, but only in between the camera and you at which point it would be better to just find a wall to hide inside and look out. You’d only be able to see behind you while stationary, or by constantly redeploying the camera which is more of a hassle than just turning around to look behind you every now and then.
Infinite uses, yes, but not really comparable to an invis pot either.

I stand by that is should be usable anywhere with pvp on and not be restricted, the very few usecases where it would give a slight advantage could even add some more depth to pvp and make it more interesting.

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Well and imo it shouldn’t… we did a couple more dungeons, queued, not queued, no luck. Now the guild does not have any interest in normals, all are busy enough with shards. And when I play solo there’s never a queue popping. Nearly all normal random dungeons I did when reborn started out but these times are long over and I doubt 1 tinkerer item will bring people back.
So… where should all the many dungeon tries come from to get this stuff (counting in the group chances I saw easily over 100 with no drop by now)… again something for people playing at prime times as it seems… :frowning:

yeah, the drop rate is way too low IMO and it takes too much time to farm the amount you need for items you don’t really need. Same goes for the metal springs, I farmed public events for probably around 5 hours and only got 4 springs.


Its good that they are rare but they should not be THIS rare.

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I was on 2xhalf days for this as well, got 2 so far. However, events at least I can do solo, I don’t mind grinding them at weekends… the dungeon farmings can not be done solo, except by a fraction of tanks (and if they do it likely takes forever), and this is a real wall I fear.
Shards we do daily anyway, but grinding normal dungeons, very hard to motivate anyone for this (I will never see the mining cart mount either btw… whyyy does it only have to drop from normal :frowning: )

PS: Haha, just got the geared mount blueprint, requiring 10 Wood Cogs - so this ominous rare drop is not, like, the final part, the icing on the cake of the most rare blueprints. Nope, these amounts and rates make even the more common blueprints (all I know got this one already) practically uncraftable if it stays this way.

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This, some items are limited to only normal dungeons and I don’t see a single reason for it, at end game there is no gain in doing normal dungeons. Especially the legendary overworld drops I never understood, having them drop in normal dungeons and not shards seemed like nothing but a f*** you to any end game player that does a lot of shards.


This isn’t exactly the most related but after the update my bow hasn’t been charging orbs. Relogging has helped sometimes but not always.

Update on this item, some said it drops in shards also. Still no personal sighting of any, despite countless shards & dungeon farming, not one guild mate or group member was getting anything yet. But yea who needs furniture anyway…

Metal Spring: Drop Rate likely lower than 10%, noted down all events I did today, got 3 from 30 events done (however I run with 600 luck, so it is likely lower than 10%). I’m ok with that, but only because I am farming overlevel perks anyway… the ominous Wood Cogs on the other hand, well, not quite.

Disabling the new tool in PVP seems like a wasted opportunity. If it’s visible to other players and possibly attackable to despawn it, it would open up some fun options out in the world.

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Got another wooden cog yesterday. They’re rare, but they’re dropping.