Update 11.01- Tinkerer Crafting Profession Release

Grats, more lucky than a whole guild and only 8 to go then for your first item. Mind telling the info which would be most interesting tho (even if it’s just confirmation)… where did it drop exactly?


Not so much fun for those who simply wanna record their runetiles during combat, be it trolling, accidental hits or mob AoEs breaking the recording…

Wood Cogs what I know for sure:
drops from any dungeon boss fight. Shard, queued, or just group killing a scaled dungeon.

Not proven things:

  • does it drop in the 30 dungeons mines and temple?
  • does it drop if you are with less then 5 ppl? All instances where it got proven were with 5 ppl. While all tries with less then 5 did not drop anything so far. Rng probably.
  • does it drop for overworld bosses?

I’m referring to PVP only. No reason to break someone’s camera if they’re not PVP tagged.

With regards to drop rates and rarities in general, we appreciate everyone’s feedback and are noting it down. Definitely keep sharing with us your feelings on this in the coming days and weeks, as more ingredients get into the economy, if you see a market forming on the auction house for them, things like that.

Our tutorial video mentions this so I don’t think it’s any spoilers to say:

It drops in all dungeons, the amount of players doesn’t matter. It doesn’t drop for world bosses (though I encourage you to kill them for other new drops if you haven’t!)

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Got my first Wood Cog today, Level 3 Sewers from the Mutated Rat; the pet picked it up. However I am the most active shard player in the last 2 weeks (and 2nd in dungeons overall, done 78 so far), so if one drops like once a week, even for me, that is a very poor rate.
One item needs 10 of these, so to craft only one you need to run hundreds of dungeons for 10 weeks or so… which is also very bad for the market, none of these wood cog items will arrive there anytime soon I guess, since most craft them for themselves, first of all.

got lucky today and a wooden cog dropped in a temple shard

Sincere thanks to the dev team for the index specific support and additionally adding weapon rotation feature. It makes a huge difference in gameplay and is an overall morale booster to feel the dev team love


Btw Wood Cog is labeled as “green rare” while it should obviously by at-least labeled as “purple epic” just like the metal springs. They are harder to get then any other thinkerer item. Lastly, making Ground Essence “purple epic” rarity makes no sense because they are bought for a relative cheap price and thus the easiest item to obtain. Not a rare item.

(Calling the polished shard glass an epic resource in the tutorial vid is a joke, right? xD)


i crafted the orbus picture was cool but no were to place it

@Vasilia_F update at 19th will make you able to place it in your house. So for now you can do nothing with it except for storing in your chest.

it would be cool to add to the fellowship hall

@Robert @Mathieu_D soooo what is in the update that is happeng around now? server restart incoming and a client side update is already available now too.

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We just put out a patch with the following:

  • Made Orb Mount Blueprint drop from certain lures instead of all lures
  • Adjusted Wooden Cog drop rate from dungeon bosses
  • Back-end stability fixes. Shouldn’t be necessarily visible to players but may solve issues that have popped up since the last patch.

Ok but is it still replacing the fish we actually wanted to get?? This is a major flaw, I don’t wanna drown in blueprints instead of fishes, not on any lure :wink:


So what is “Adjusted”? It is not clearly dropping alot more. (saw 0 so far after the update with about 10 * 5 ppl * 2 bosses + 4 * 3 ppl * 1 boss = 112 individual ppl chances.). Just curious. Droprate increased or decreased by a small number? Or made some bosses drop it more then others? Or added world bosses to drop table? Something like that was the meaning of “Adjusted”?

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I had one drop on the first boss we killed after the update, but that was clearly just luck, haven’t had any more since.

One drop here too since the patch, around 20 boss kills or more, none of the other people in groups got any.

Seems still way too low regarded we need 40 or so to craft each item only once. Got nearly all blueprints now but nothing to craft because of the missing cogs.

We increased the drop chance percentage on all the bosses for the wooden cogs, but it seems to still be too low, so we will bump it up again with the server side patch going out later today. Im trying to bump it slowly so we don’t end up getting it too high.

Edit: This is live now, let me know how the cog drops feel now

Is this still happening since the patch?

Okay that might take a few days again of doing enough dungeons before we can give feedback on it again :+1:

And plus if you in a wall…that is made a wall correctly, you would get nothing but black screen like your supposed to. Devs just need to start a thread for wall patching.