Valve index control whatever

is there a custom control scheme out there for valve index controllers? and if so, pls send

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You can see a list of community control schemes by opening up the steam menu in VR, then go to settings -> Controllers -> select manage controller bindings -> Choose Another. That will show you a list of default and community made bindings for the Index controller, if you are currently using them.

I did make an ‘official’ configuration a few days ago, but only minutes ago actually marked it as the default configuration. If you’ve already launched the game, I’m not sure if it will automatically apply the new default config, so you may have to go into the settings to select it at this point. But hopefully for new players, it should just use the new default config.

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thanks for the help!

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Index controller user here. I need to know how to get my controllers back to the settings they were previously. I had always just used the defaults; but logging into the game today the controllers bindings are now different. Can someone please send a screenshot of the correct one to select?

I can confirm that the index controllers are fubar compared to just a few days ago. :frowning:

Which key binding profile did you use to ‘go back to the way it was’ ?

So, when you say fubar, what do you mean? Absolutely nothing works? Things work, but different than you’re used too? If you go into the controller configuration, what configuration is currently loaded? Does switching back to your original configuration fix it?

In the controller settings, there is a section called ‘Active Controller Binding’. I’m assuming that if you had ‘Default’ selected, it would have updated today to the default configuration I set. But if you had ‘Custom’ selected, it probably should have kept the same configuration assigned as before.

Either way, the old ‘Default’ configuration was a standard legacy configuration. It had a few issues with our game, which is why I set a new default configuration. If you want to go back to the standard legacy configuration, just create a new configuration yourself, and the default values should be what you are looking for.

If you modified the controls yourself, you should have a personal saved configuration you can select again.

Hopefully that helps!

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Thank you so very much for your response. I’ll clarify a few things…

I am working the problem on behalf of my less-tech-savvy partner. I would also like to say, personally I prefer the new mapping, so nice job there. It more closely represents use on the Quest, so switching between the two is much easier now. :smiley:

By ‘fubar’, what I was failing to convey is the 2 following issues that the player is desperately attempting to revert. Namely:

  - teleportation via thumb stick with NO CLICK REQUIREMENT (the way steamvr home still does it for Index Controllers and the way it used to be previously in OrbusVR)
  - weapon-grab using 'a' and 'trigger' simultaneously. (this one caught me off-guard and I have no idea what to do about it. user might be incorrectly describing their own action)

I would like to repeat, this message in a bottle was created in my attempt to help someone who sincerely loves playing this game. She was in tears over this. I felt awful, as I am on the hook for having brought the good and the bad of VR gaming into her life. :sweat_smile:

I am going to attempt to use your recommendation to assign the standard legacy configuration and will hope for the best. From one developer to another; I cannot stress the importance, and gratitude for your swift attention to this call for help. It makes all the difference to players you might otherwise never know about.

I’ll report back after these tests. Thank you once again.

-OneForAll- Musky Main lvl 13.

I will try to take the time this coming weekend to do more research on this. I have tried to set the default legacy config for OrbusVR, I tried telling the Index Controller to behave as a normal Vive Wand. No luck. So after an hour of attempting to solve this problem by myself; I’m going to have to bite the bullet and hope for 1 of the following 3 outcomes:

  1. Expect the end user to just ‘deal with it’ (known to be dangerous)
  2. Beg the devs for help (told me to basically fix it myself. sad but true)
  3. Try to get end user to go key-by-key and remap to a new binding of their preference.

Issues with above:

  1. Relearning is not an easy process for everyone, and resistance to change brings it’s own baggage.
  2. This modification was directly caused by the developers and had a dramatic effect on accessibility, with no notifications to end-users or folks tasked with managing their experiences.
  3. In my humble attempts to re-bind locomotion to mimic that found inside SteamVR Home, I was unable to do so, and hence, this might not be a possible path to success.

I’m at a loss. Hopefully we can at least restore the locomotion thumb-stick functionality to previous. For someone that struggles to ‘click’ the thumbstick, having that activated automatically was extremely helpful. Some info on this:

While I am nearly positive I did in fact attempt this; I won’t have time to confirm this exact thing with 100% certainty until Saturday. I’m what you call, methodical. :smiley: However when I do, I’ll still need to confirm those changes with the end user who will be out of town until next Wednesday. I will be able to at least report back with functionality mods that did or did not occur during that process. It’s a blessing and a curse to have the end-user out of town; I can go ahead with super-invasive modifications, but once I feel I’ve got it rock solid, I’ll need to await their return and confirmation.

Why not just use touch on the grip pad instead of click? Also this is now default???

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