Warrior combo directions not reversing anymore for lefties

It used to be that you had to reverse all the directions for combos as a Warrior when you equip the sword in your left hand. It still says that’s how it should work in the book. Either that text needs to be removed if you got rid of the reversing, or you have a bug where reversing is no longer working.

Personally I like the reversing being gone, it was never needed and it is annoying having to look at the combos in the book and reverse them all in my head whenever I come back from a break and don’t have them perfectly memorized anymore.

Warrior combo is still reversed for lefties. Play it every day. Just double checked if they f’ed anything up today and they didn’t. I probably know what is going on.

First time I logged in in reborn the Warrior Combo’s were not reversed. Restarting the game once fixed it. Then months later on my alt the same happened. So I guess you logged in for the first time in Reborn? Then welcome xD

Interesting! I have logged into Reborn a few times before, but I can’t say whether I played my Warrior since I did. Today though when I tried, I did exit and restart multiple times, even tried it in a different VR setup entirely and left hand combos are simply not working. Sword in left hand or right hand, only right hand combos work.

Hmmm, I don’t know how things could’ve changed since I don’t think we touched the warrior combo system in a very long time, but I would try switching classes and maybe hands with your weapon just to see if that would “reset” it. Let us know!

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Another lefty just adding my experience. I don’t tank often but did a very small amount today and all the combos worked fine for me. did all these combos: provoke, hamstring, cleave and wound all fine today - I’ve never had an issue with them not being reversed.

I did both of those, didn’t help.

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