Warrior sword hit detection bug

I totally agree. I just got off a 1.5 hour session and I’m more worn out now than I’ve ever been playing this game.

Maybe I’m just getting old. :stuck_out_tongue:

I didn’t have any trouble with hit detection and I was not using particularly fast or wide swings. I’m also using the connectws option, if that’s relevant

Whats connectws option?

Setting -connectws in steam launch options. Devs implemented it as a way to resolve some crashing issues but in my case it ended up resolving disconnect issues (some of them) so I kept it. It’s a networking setting. Still though it’s possible that I just didn’t notice the change because of my current swing style.

is there an eta on the fix?

Patch is live with changes to the detection, let us know how it is.


Thanks Mathieu_D, that was quick. Will definitely put up my 2c after work today. You guys are great.

I don’t know how much it was dialed down, but honestly after swinging today I don’t see much of a difference from yesterday. I’m still having to swing twice as hard as I used to before the patch yesterday. It may be due to me barely being able to lift my arm after running dungeons after the change happened, but it honestly feels like it needs to be looked at again. I would love to see what the other warriors have to say though as it is pretty early still.

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i agree with Kailus

and i really have to ask…why was it raised anyway? what was the point or meaning of it. We wanted the upward swing fixed and hit boxes tweaked maybe

this is the opposite direction for warrior

It was meant to fix both ups and hitboxes. It just didn’t seem to work as well as they thought. It’ll keep getting tweaked

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The hitboxes did seem to be better, and I was able to get the upswings more often than previously, but that was only after swinging up 2-3 times due to the first couple not having enough velocity.

The threshold is definitely way lower than it was yesterday…

I can’t test it for several hours but I’ll give my input when I do

I tried to explain this yesterday, but basically it was changed such that the hit detection was based more on the speed of the strike than on the sword entering and exiting the box collider, which is exactly what has to happen if you want those two things fixed.

Old system: Swinging the sword in and out of the box collider caused a “strike” to register. Sword didn’t have to be swung very fast at all. However, this means if you have a really large box collider or are inside of it, you can’t register a hit, and it also means your combo detection may not work as well.

New system: Swinging the sword a certain speed registers a strike. You can be inside the box collider and still register strikes. However, you have to swing it harder/faster than previously so it can tell when you’re actually trying to strike the target.

I am fully willing to just roll it back to the old system if the general consensus is that the new system doesn’t work. But I guess I’m just pointing out, it was done this way to address a frequent criticism expressed by the Warrior community, which is that you couldn’t get off sword hits reliably when facing enemies with large box colliders. If the juice isn’t worth the squeeze, though, I can certainly go back the other way, and then the box collider problem will just remain unsolved.

But there’s no way to address those two concerns/complaints without changing to something like this.

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I prefer this new way, but it almost feels like the mage “too tight too loose detection” problem. Going to be tricky finding the sweet spot

Could you make the distance a swing travels be the threshold for registering a hit? Maybe set a change in direction of the weapon to trigger a new “swing” and when that swing has moved a minimum distance and is inside a hitbox it registers as a hit?

Thanks Riley, that makes a lot of sense. After last night’s test I would prefer the old way as increasing my room space really helped to cure the issue, but I have not tested since you guys made the change to swing speed this morning. I know it’s been said but your transparency and willingness to communicate with the community is deeply appreciated by all of us in love with the game.


Thank you for the detailed explanation. After testing a little bit more as I’m able to recover, I am definitely able to see the difference from yesterday now. Like Logan said, it may be a hard to balance the speed required but overall I do like the changes to the hit boxes and hit registration.

Better than yesterday but still hard.
I noticed the problem with big box colliders. Have not fought against big opponents since yesterday.
Thank you for your efforts.

On the test dummy Sunday with Doc and Kailus, I confirmed that my swing was needlessly wide and upswing more vertical than required, but on Monday those inefficiencies turned into a boon, and I didn’t notice difference.

Was Sword Rush changed? Seemed like I went through the center of Mist Keeper when charging in.