Why the lore feels so unmemorable

I was wondering why the lore feels so unmemorable. World of Warcraft, for instance, has memorable lore and memorable history. I think part of the reason is because the NPCs don’t do anything. They’re unlively. They don’t interact with each other in any meaningful way. In WoW, NPCs often did things during quests that added to the lore. For example, Rise of the Brotherhood ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vsn4Wjjg61w ) was a quest where we learn Hope Saldean is actually Vanessa Van Cleef, the daughter of a boss in the original version of the Deadmines dungeon. Granted, this story developed after the Deadmines was updated. But even the walking and talking of NPCs to each other. It feels more lively. Often you’ll see friendly NPCs fighting enemy NPCs. It’s this interaction that is memorable.

I’m comparing it to World of Warcraft because WoW was my favorite MMORPG.


Old orbus had a NPC turn into a bossfight (roma), NPCs that we had to guard, NPCs that were arrested/executed, and NPCs that we could choose to kill or chase away.


That’s a start. I think that NPCs need to interact with each other more. Maybe instead of asking the player to do a task, the NPC could walk up and there could be a conversation between the NPCs.

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Having a journal with the lore quests would help.

With a few exceptions the lore quests where rather dull or vage, with little to no urgency, with totally unrelated requests in the middle (kill stickmen in the middle of a memory recall because…? Npc a timewasting douchbag?), and by the time I completed them I usually forgot when and why the last quest was made.

Would love to have some real quests… bg1 hade nice stories with simple requests, yet they made the world seem alive! Npc where mostly stationary yet felt responsive and interactive, thanking you for completed quests, or just saying hello if you tried to talk. In orbus it’s mostly waving randomly untill someone talks to you, and that’s your quest giver.

I’m sorry to say this but even dark souls lore quests where better and more memorable then the lorequests in orbus reborn, despite beeing famous for its extreamly tight-lipped and obscure nature.

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