Hi Orbus team! I’ve spent the entire weekend engrossed in your game, I’ve spent 18 hours playing and I only started Thursday night (easily the most time I’ve spent in VR). I had another suggestion for you that I think you’d probably agree with and would like to see yourselves.
Stats: I think a Stats screen would be great, things like number of kills by mob type, number of quests completed, times waved at another player? (not even sure this is registered in the code), number of dungeons completed/raids/world bosses. I think this would be absolutely fantastic for geeks like me who like to look at the stuff. I was thinking about this feature as I was playing and realized I wouldn’t want to flip to the back of the book so I came up with a solution…
Bookmarks!: With bookmarks you could allow players to tap on a tab next to the book and skip to a specific part of the quest log! I know I saw someone earlier in the week complaining about this same exact thing. You can have Main Quests, Side Quests, Maps, Tutorials, Stats, etc. I truly think this would be an incredible feature that would do a lot to improve the game.
Thanks a ton for reading!