We did the Woodland Rebels quest as a party, turned it in fine, but our exp bar didn’t increase… ok, we’ll report that later… we continued, Old Wise Man quest, got the infected spirits quest. Exp bar still hadn’t moved for me(DaesAlt) or RobotLoveAlt. Decided to relog, maybe it’s just a graphics glitch. Both of us got moved from the guard tower where we logged out, back up to the Woodland rebels and our quests that we’d completed, were reset. It was like even though we were playing and progressing, the server wasn’t keeping our progress?
Player House sign edits:
“to store your Alchemy, Lure ingredients, and other gear”
“the Teleportation Device that Guardian Bart”
This could be by design, but I’ve noticed that my Ability Bar resets to 0 whenever I change instances, IE: it was full before going into the Library, empty when I entered. It refilled to 100% while in the Library, but when I left it reset again.
While in the Library, the guards are passing though the bookshelves (I know it’s been mentioned already) After the guard is killed, the body slides back though the shelf. Not sure if this is preventing me from getting drops, but I didn’t get anything from the 8-10 guards I killed. Drop rate could be RNG, but since the body slides away I’m not sure.
I just sent an error report about getting sent to guild city after dying…I meant to say that I died than reawakened, then left the cave and got transported to guild city.
Just died trying to get the King’s Bones and instead of being resurrected in the nearby town’s graveyard, I came to life at the teleport stone next to the first Dungeon… now to go Alllllll the way back… sigh
Cable internet, wired to the modem, no router, currently at 88Mbps download. Have been using OVRDrop today to play music from youtube, wonder if that might be causing it then
I know some others use that in game also but not sure if that could be it, you could try not using it or the steam overlay desktop and just staying “in game” for a day to see if it helps
I experienced the same thing. I thought perhaps I read too quickly and just missed it. Perhaps you’ll want to check the dialog and make sure were not just going crazy.
Don’t remember the name of this area, it’s in the cave with many doors in the desert. Where the Into The Wilds NPC is located. Needs shading, everything looks the same color. I’m on High graphics setting.
Grass in the Tiger area of the Jungle is missing, next to the teleport runestone in the pic. Graphics are set on High, did not change them recently. Probably should have tried resetting graphics level, but didn’t think of it at the time.
Found the runestone for Pushback/Pushback 2 but was unable to get either to add to my journal. The runestone for Fireball2/Frostbolt 3, the Fireball 2 was able to add fine.