I don’t have a picture of this one but the grammar in Elijah’s message about garlic on the bulletin board in Highstep is a little wonky. I don’t know if it’s a direct quote and you want to keep it that way but I wanted to let you know.
There is a typo in this quest description:
There should be a space between his title and name.
- Lastly, there is this. Slightly less black and white, you may have intended for it to be written like this but I do think that it is worded awkwardly even if it is intended:
I assume you wanted it to say “The jail had been overcrowded since before he arrived.”, or something similar to that. That would be a a more grammatically correct sentence, overcrowded doesn’t really work well as a verb like this.
I don’t know, someone will probably come along and tell me that I’m missing something obvious and am completely wrong but I still wanted to put it out there in case the devs want to know about this stuff.
And now that I look at it again, a sentence right below that, “But hard work was better than rotting away in the dark.”, is a sentence fragment. You can fix it just by removing the period that is separating it from the previous sentence and changing the “was” into an “is”.
I don’t know if this is something you’re really worried about, grammar isn’t really black and white on how to fix it, and whether you want it that way or not but I still wanted to mention these just in case.
Fingers crossed that I didn’t screw up my own grammar while I was editing this.