A VR approach to quests

If not a VR approach, perhaps a unique approach to quests. I don’t have the answer, I am soliciting opinions from the userbase.

First, a rambling prologue… there are many things that Orbus was able to do different, but in the right way, because this is VR. Looking back at Riley’s original videos on youtube showing the origins of the runemage casting system, it was something that no other MMO could do. Reaching onto your belt to grab your harvesting tool and then bending down to harvest mushrooms. The potion crafting using the cauldron. All so immersive and giving you that feeling like a kid on christmas opening a present the first time you experienced it.

How can we get that same feeling with quests? Breaking off from the usual kill 15 hobgoblins and go fetch me this item quests, in what way could quests become immersive in a way that only VR can do?


An hypothetical example of a standard mmo kill quest:

  • kill 15 goblins

A VR approach:

  • kill a goblin. Take out your trophy knife. Cut off an ear and sew it on a string. Complete the quest by turning in the string with your proof of 15 goblin kills.
  • added immersion/mechanic on this besides the physical action rather than just the kills/drops could also be the time to perform stringing each ear, increasing risk of respawns which can obviously be dangerous if you do not overpower the mobs in question.

I was thinking of a way to implement this into a quest, but I can only see it as an instanced event like a dungeon. Or some way to create a quest instance.

There are two tunnels/portals ahead, one path to the left and one to the right. Your party actually has to split up, two going one way and three going the other way, but you don’t realize that yet.

The portal on the right is a room with waves of adds/mobs, there is no exit.
The portal on the left is a room with two “tinkering stations”, each with intricate 3d puzzles that you have to build. After building each puzzle, you place it on its respective pedestal and it causes a wall to shift in each room, revealing the exit.

Next room the roles switch. The left path that was just building the puzzles is now fighting a single monster, bigger, tougher, can’t be killed, but you have the ability to stretch it out and barely survive with dodging and healing. We’ll call him Jalfroggen.
Right path is now in the next room talking to a disfigured creature npc surrounded by three potion cauldrons who explains to you that the waves of adds in the previous room dropped potion crafting ingredients and if you want your friends in the left path to survive, you will have to make three different food items that the Jalfroggen loves, and this will distract him long enough for the others in your party to escape. Right path has the ability to move back to the waves of adds if you didn’t get enough of the potion crafting items or if you accidentally make ruined potions.

You get the idea, one group is solving a puzzle or escape room of some type while the other group is fighting mobs until both groups can advance. Sprinkle in bosses or full group content in between. The idea is to make it required to have 2 or more players.

One room, the walls could have holes knocked out all over the place. You have to place your arm into a hole and fish around until your controller vibrates, grip, and pull out a key. There are a few keys you have to find and each key holder has to unlock a device similar to entering ancient temple.

One room is filled with randomized rune tiles, there is an unlock pattern that you have to figure out and then the party has to find the proper runes and activate them in order. This may or may not work but I was thinking that to activate a certain rune tile you would have to perform an action that would trigger that rune for your class in artificing. For example the “U” tile could only be activated with a musketeer shooting it with a weakness orb, mage hitting it with fire spell, shaman hitting it with fireball orb, scoundrel shooting it with fire card. Similarly for affliction tile, hits per second tiles, etc.


that would actually be a sweet puzzle honestly
I would love to see something like that used in a puzzle or even as part of a boss fight.

like you could have a boss that does an impending doom type or citadel 3rd boss bomb type attack and flash an unusual tile (ex. like a long timing tile, hit by magical damage, hitting a certain number of enemies, maybe even have some part of the fight proc one of the currently unused tiles and we would have to use artificing potions to figure out what when we are fighting it for the first time) and in order to remove the debuff you would have to proc the tile

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You made me realize there’s really a lack of puzzles in the game. Not like, “put the pieces together” puzzles, but old school D&D style puzzles. That’d be an awesome addition to the game, although I suppose it’d be more of a lore quest because they’d be a one and done sort of thing?

Either way, GREAT suggestions


Unlesssss they’re randomized each time an instance loads.


The rune tiles would also make it so that either more people would start learning the runes for tilesets, or that tileset makers would be even more valued, which would be great either way. Great idea!


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