When fighting the aberration that looks like a tree, the one with the staff, that drops projectiles on you.
The projectiles it drops on you, have to be shot twice no matter what spells/weapons you use, which seems counter intuitive, when you can shoot it with 2 hits from the musketeer gun (which hit for a few hundreds) but can’t destroy it with one 4k fireball hit… it make things particularly more difficult for a mage.
I would suggest making them one shot kills, or have some kind of healthbar…
while fighting them i have found that you do not always need to shoot them twice, and usually once is enough. the only exception is when RNGesus is angry at you, and decides to spawn both seeds on you so you have to kill both instead of just one, and if you are alone since you are the only target, it will always drop 2
if you are in a group and this is always happening to you, idk what is up
In m y experience, with a musketeer or a mage, i noticed that you have to hit them twice, no matter what and if you hit them only once, they do less damages.
It’s not that bad honestly, it makes life very hard for mages, but i wanted to talk about that mostly to raise my concerns, and hope that dev won’t use that mechanic anywhere else.
As far as i know, while fighting elongata, it doesn’t seem like you need 2 hits, but with 10-15 people firing at the same time, it’s difficult to clearly see what’s happening ^^
From my experience with the aberration it was always 1 hit would destroy it. I stopped rushing to allies aids because they can easily save themselves now that the seeds are not indestructible
Yeah, I don’t mean to discount your experience Seb, maybe something is different for you, but I’ve fought (and died to) these things many many many times, and the mechanic seems to be:
Create 2 seed pods, assign targets randomly from players on the threat list. Sometimes this results in 2 seed pods going to the same person, and since they are spawning at the same time, it just looks like one. The rest of the time, you see two coming down against different people.
There are a couple other nuances to this interaction that may be making things more confusing. One is that when you do damage to a seed pod and “destroy” it, it will fall to the ground. Given that these are usually coming straight down at your face, doing damage to it in the last couple seconds before it hits can give the impression it’s still coming and needs to be hit again, but after a couple of seconds of falling it does disappear. It’s a bit more obvious with Elongata because the seed pods are traveling horizontally along the ground (usually) so when you do damage to it and it falls, it stops dead and plummets straight down.