The musketeer turret needs to be permanent. The class feels too clunky when i’m scrambling for my turret to throw it, then shove a bunch of balls into my gun to shoot at bad guys for every mob. I think the turret should be grabable so we can shake it to change the modes as well. Also, maybe move the balls to where the turret is currently because i hate turning my gun around to grab a special, it throws me off a bit.
Another suggestion maybe is giving us the option to abandon orbs to dual wield guns while giving us maybe a 1.5x damage multiplier. I made another suggestion recently about dual wielding warriors and feel like a musketeer can also benefit from dual wielding.
I agree,
I think the turret should always be on your character, and when you throw it, it will just replace the previous one. Having to wait for it to reappear is my main complaint about the class.
I think the turret is fine as it is, except how infuriatingly unreliable it is to switch modes. Making the conscious choice on whether or not you’re going to be dealing damage or healing in the upcoming fight is a big part of the class. We’re here to support the team, with the capability of supplementing team damage, so switching out to a damage kit whenever we want would diminish what makes this class special.
They just need to have the turret totally change shape or colors depending on its mode. Red orb for damage and green for healing.
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