Add velocity and sharpness to warrior damage

I love this game and one of the details I really like is that slow swings do less damage, and I think it would add real value to the gameplay of the warrior class to expand on that a bit. What if velocity at time of contact with the enemy trigger and sharpness of the blade were taken into consideration when damage is calculated? Maybe using something like this

damage = (equippedWeapon.velocity * vm) * (character.strength * (equppedWeapon.damage * (1 + equippedWeapon.sharpnessPercent/100)))
vm = Velocity Modifier (0.1 for example)

Then players can see a difference in damage when they’re trying hard against a tough enemy or be able to tell when they get better.

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The warrior already takes velocity into consideration. (I’m pretty sure.) I always do more damage the bigger and faster of a swing I take.

Robert is saying that he likes the velocity factor but would like to add another factor to the mix.

I dislike this idea though because instead of increasing the overall damage, it would instead add another hurdle to getting max damage from my swings. With this, not only would I have to worry about the physical aspect of the swing, but then add another component to have to worry about.

Just went on to test the damage vs velocity and it looks like regardless of how fast you hit a target, it will always do the same damage. Only the size of the angle you swing at makes a difference on damage.

I do agree with Robert as it would be nice for things like velocity, angle and sharpness of the blade would make game play more interesting and the skill ceiling for warrior higher.

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