Alternative Weapon Grab Locations for Mixed Reality

Hey Orbus devs, I would wondering if you guys could consider some alternative Weapon Grab Locations / backpack locations that would be more Mixed Reality friendly. Currently trying to grab / sheath weapons or putting away loot is a very frustrating experience and has been putting a damper on the game. It’s been really great outside of that so far and i’m looking forward to play more, but it as it is the bad game-play can get old fast (I know fault of the headset more than your design, but if some love could get put into the Mixed Reality experience i’d greatly appreciate it.

Hey there! Im a fellow MR user and was wondering how your experience with the swordplay has been. At times are the combos not working or hits not being detected? Just wondering if I was the only one with the issue.

I was going to suggest getting one of the WMR HMDs for a friend to play with me since they are decently priced right now but with the lack of rumble for fishing (which is forced in the story) and a comment like this im starting to think twice. Do you feel like your having issues often when it comes to the front only tracking?

Microsoft should really allow the option of external cameras :frowning: or invest in developing unrivaled inverse kinematics algorithms.

The idea of not needing them is great, especially for someone like myself who travels to hometown often enough. Just one wire to plug in vs either 3 more plugs/mounting lighthouses or 3 usb3.0 stretched cords seems like a blessing. It’s just a shame i see so many issues for some people when some youtubers say its near flawless.

I don’t know how they would work that in, but if they had the option to have external cameras it would be great.

I think the headset provides a function experience but not a full experience is the best way to put my feelings into words on this subject. Yes the tracking gets lost quite often when doing certain things, and is perfect for other things, and I believe that because of that you loose a little immersion when a bow does flips and tricks around your head: however, I think that for the price I would say its worth it. I love using apps like big screen to watch shows in movie theaters, I find games like Orbus fun even with ought the perfect tracking, and its honestly just a wonder experience everyone should try.

Hope that answers that question.

I wouldnt mind losing some of the extra tracking since 99% of the time your looking at what your grabbing at/using anyways, especially for the mobility of it compared to hauling and setting up my Vive as often as i do, but i would rather keep it and suggest maybe the Rift to my friend if the tracking issues hurt your gameplay.

I have a Vive and a WMR (Acer version). The game is 100% playable on the WMR. The tracking isn’t as good and there are a few quirks, but as a budget option for this game it is just fine. Is the Vive better? Yes, in many ways, but it is also 3-400$ more. The WMR is lighter and requires little setup which is nice, it’s much more portable for sure. The Vive has better visuals and tracking. The WMR plays better on lower end graphics cards.

I wouldn’t pay $500 for one but they have been on Amazon and various other places for $200 and I think that is a fair price.

I agree that is it playable and enjoyable. I just think it would be an even better experience with some settings to allow some circumvention of the bad tracking systems.

I think the ability to change where on your body weapons/items are located would be useful for people on any headset. With the musketeer, I sometimes find myself having to pull my turret out from behind my armpit… pretty hard to reach.

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