Is it possible that you’re facing north because that is the direction in which you need to face to use the login menu and do not turn around to the same position you were in when logging out?
I should’ve mentioned that I use the strafe option. My body doesn’t ever physically turn. So, my front-facing perspective changes and “North” moves as I play. When I log out, “front” is rarely North. My feet are essentially planted.
That is plausible, but it could still save the direction you were facing when you logged out and make you face the same direction when you log in.
I agree it’s minor. I mostly notice when I log out facing my potion rack and log back in the next time facing away from it.
A similar thing I’ve noticed is that when you leave the house you are not facing down the stairs. The scene does a kind of double load thing, and if I turn to face the stairs too quickly, the second load hits and reorients me away from them again, typically towards the graveyard.