An idea for a tradu raid in the future

I would like to see a tradu raid
ive been thinking it would be the same place as in the old game with all the portals, but each of the portals lead to a different raid boss, and then the last boss would be in that big open area where the old tradu world boss was.
it would be a great return of in area from the old game, but I also think that it would be interesting and make for a great time
I think it would be awesome.
also, a great boss Idea would be like an ovisganger from the old game, those things were…terrifying

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somebody tell me how good my idea is

Ovisganger were beautiful, i miss them, would love to see them brought back in some fashion

a boss form would be lovely

multiple raid wings in a tradu portal like fashion does sound cool too


I don’t feel strongly either way about a Tradu raid.

As for an ovisganger boss, YES, + 10,000.
Everyone enters the ruins of some creepy abandoned castle we come across… enter what is clearly a boss chamber with a derpy sheep. A single derpy sheep grazing on grass that has grown through the cracked rock.
doors slam

Or a lone sheep out in a grassy field that doesn’t always turn into an ovisganger… maybe a window that rotates around in game midnight.


oh no, please no more lavamora or tradu.

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that’s exactly what I was thinking for the ovisganger

I think if it was restyled in a way with much harder “mutated” bosses with different, more “Reborn” styled boss mechanics could be very fun, but if its just going to be a copy paste of tradu bosses with much more damage and health then I wouldn’t see that as being very or fun or engaging. We are already getting the “Guild City Ruins” as a raid. I personally wouldn’t mind a “Tradu Mines Ruins” raid as well. Tradu even tied in with the story of old orbus so there wouldn’t be much to add to the game as far as the actual raid’s lore goes.

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Yesss!! I miss those creepers!!

Of course it would not be a copy and paste, there would be significant changes, this is just an overall idea
Bosses could be “the same bosses” but very different in some ways, like they were mutated my essence radiation. I’m thinking the second bosses. Soul keeper, tank keeper, mis keeper, and that other thing that I forgot the name of

soul keeper, tank keeper, mist keeper, potion keeper
squiddy, worm boss, sentury, mushroom man
That’s what I called them at least

Yeah, I want the bosses to be there but have different mechanics. Like poison keeper still has those stuipid AOE’s and soul keeper has the minions, etc.
You know, just parts of the fights from the old bosses.
I don’t have any ideas on how they would be different, but the devs are creative so I think they could make it really great. I would like to hear their opinions on this topic too

Lore quest Spoilers ahead


Pretty sure when talking with Helga at one point during the lore quests we say that the Tradu stuff is still there and being empowered? Or did i read this wrong. If so that could certainly lead on to something

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