Anyway to help out more?

Hello, I know I’m new. But I’d love to be able to support your team more; I’m starting to stream (Yet a low-level twitch streamer). My game to get the word out about this beautiful game, And I’m trying to talk a few friends into buying it, But I was wondering if there was a way I can donate some cash now and then to the Creator to make sure this MMO stays around.

You can give it to me :dollar:… I’ll be sure they get it… :rofl:

But really, I can’t wait for monetary upgrades… bag space, capes, cosmetic options… just as long as its not a pay to win system, then I’d be happy to throw money at the game.


I’d love something like, Sub and you get access to cosmetic upgrades, Anything that does not affect gameplay I think would be nice.


I believe there are still plans to add a cosmetic cash shop in the future that players could use to further support the game.


Edit: removed reply regarding barber, it is explained above.

Also I don’t think they plan to add a sub option but I do think that the price will raise once out it EA and there may be prices for expansions.

first, Wow a Dev team member responded :slight_smile:
Thank’s all for the info; I wish to support more, Sad I never know about the kick starter or had a rift till it was too late.

Selling expansions was also part of the original model which, again, has not changed as far as I’m aware.

You definitely are not alone. Helping further support development via cash shop transactions, subscriptions or donations is a sentiment that our community brings up rather frequently. As always we truly appreciate the support! The ability to do so is coming… Soon. :slight_smile:


In other words ‘hurry up and wait’ for the system to be done?

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Haha, really just try to be patient. Hopefully there’s something entertaining you can do in-game to help pass the time. I hear the grind to 20 fishing is a blast :smile:


Omfg, I love fishing. It’s a blast. There should be a fishing, tournament. Like you have a week each week to catch the biggest x fish

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