Are stats still the same as OG Orbus

are stats still the same ? i.e. values


  • Attack : This is the base state for weapons. Higher attack equals more damage. This is the most important stat in the game for increasing your damage, and should almost always be prioritized above anything else. The attack of all weapons is always the same based on the level of the monster that dropped it. So for example all Level 20 Bows will have the same Attack.

  • Armor : This is the base state for armor in the chest, shoulder, glove, wrist, and head slots. Like Attack, it’s the same for all items of the same level.

  • Strength : Increases your physical damage attacks. These are non-ability attacks such as basic sword swings, basic arrows, basic Musketeer bullets, etc. For Runemages, this stat increases the speed at which your spell missiles travel.

  • Intellect : Increases your magical damage attacks. These are all Runemage spells, Warrior combos, Musketeer orb effects, and Ranger ability arrow effects.

  • Wisdom : Increases the rate at which your Super ability recharges.

  • Speed : Increases your movement speed.

  • Luck : Increases your chance to get loot, and increases your chance to catch fish.

  • Vitality : Increases your hitpoints. The number of hitpoints gained for each point of Vitality changes based on your class. For example, Warriors gain more hitpoints for each Vitality point than Runemages.

  • Magical Defense : Adds extra Armor against incoming magical attacks (e.g. breath attacks, most red AoE attacks, etc.)

  • Physical Defense : Adds extra Armor against incoming physical attacks (e.g. most monster’s basic attacks).

Magical and physical defence have been merged into just Defence now

Luck gives you a chance to get 2 fish from one cast, doesn’t increase the chance to get fish


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