Arrange crafting ingredients visually the same in the chest as on the table

When you put items in the potion chest, or any other crafting chest, the things appear on the table. The first chest slot is bottom left on the table, the 7th or 8th is top left on the table. It would be nice if the chest slots were arranged the same way as the table spots. I always put the stuff I’m using right next to the cauldron and it takes some trial and error to put them in the right spots.


That would be very helpful. I’d also really like to have enough slots for every ingredient, so I don’t have to swap them out when making different potions.


I kinda wish the cauldron was in the middle of the table with the bottle in front of it and the items to the left and right of the cauldron. But yeah, having the item positions more closely match the chest layout would be nice. Honestly, there are many improvements that can be made to alchemy to improve its speed/efficiency - but that may be something that was avoided on purpose…


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