Artificing- own runes

Is there any way to see your own tunes during combat? A different potion or something?

Or, are the runes the same for everyone? So if I had someone else cast the same combos as I usually cast would they be the same for me?

You can only see the runes above other players, and yes if 2 players do exactly the same actions they will have the same runes.

I heard somewhere that this isn’t the case.

If they could somehow manage to do the EXACT same actions, it should be. Granted, I think all the gear would have to be the same, as well as the level. I just don’t think it’s feasible, unless the system is less complicated than I thought it was.

Will never understand why you would be forced to have someone else with video recording to analyse your own runes.
Will this be changed sometime soon?

Video recording? I’m pretty sure if you’re even just decent at pattern recognition you don’t need a video recorder for proper runesmithing

So all you need to create runesets for yourself is to hunt down someone with the same class, level, gear and play style as you, get them to take a potion and kill a few mobs of the type you typically hunt. How hard could that be?

As it turns out, very. I have gotten lower levels to grind a few mobs while I watch (that sounds dirty) and I’ve managed a couple basic runesets, but apparently the runes that would appear over my own head are not that similar. Plus the “here, take this potion and let me watch you” does make me feel like a perv. Add my vote to the “let people see their own runes” column.


“Don’t drink it. Rub it on your skin.”


It puts the potion down it’s throat!

Gear and level don’t affect the runes. Class does as each class has unique abilities and timing that will spawn different runes.

Every player uses different attack rotations, attack at different speeds, some are more offensive or defensive, etc.

My runes will be slightly different from many other warriors and absolutely nothing like a ranger, musk, or mage.

The runes appear so fast that analyzing a recording is the best way to find patterns, but if you test methodically you don’t need a recording.

Edit: I guess my point is there’s no wrong way to approach artificing. That’s the magic of it

I think the way artificing currently works is a big part of the devs vision to make an MMO unlike any other. As with the combat abilities, I can see this being an actual skill that will differentiate players. It promotes cooperative play and I think every guild will want to employ a house runesmith who has a talent for observing and crafting a tileset like a bespoke tailor. It presents an opportunity for emergent gameplay as player develop reputations for the quality of their tileset fits and thus create demand for their service which they can charge a premium for. It may seem tedious that you can’t do it yourself, but I welcome the social incentives and think its a great part of what makes Orbus special.

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I wish there was a way to see your own runes, but also able to see others too. Perhaps drinking the potion should make your runes available to all like it currently does, but also to yourself as well.

I have spent a lot more time working on artificing ( and burning a few potions ) and now I understand that there is no need to see your own runes… just stopping to look at them or changing your play style would change the rune set.

From what I understand so far (and I could be totally wrong btw) is the runes are basically a combat log. A successful runeset will be a 3-5 combat combo that you do during combat… which is already available information from the dev blog. However, some of the runes are basically just “pause” or “miss” it seems. So if you could see your own runes, you would screw up the pattern with a pause in the set. Maybe you could get a 3 rune pattern, but no way a 5.

So likely swapping rune sets between artificers is one way… but trust is huge because its a lot of work and skill involved and you won’t know how well they work until you use them…

Having friend video you and send a link is another way… but it would take a lot of videos to cover all the combat scenarios.

Overall… super interesting mechanic. will be fun to play around with and see how it evolves.
It would be great to have a “magic recorder” that you could make that would record the full ruleset from a round or for a fixed time of combat that you could then go analyze for someone or for yourself. Maybe it could record with errors depending on the level of the item to make it more difficult at first.

Cool stuff though

This may become the first real trade skill that you need to hire someone for

I like it

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I’d have no need to pause to look at my runes if they appeared in my field of view and I recorded it. What this all translates to is an enchanter can’t effectively enchant their own stuff. Some might find this novel. I’m just running out of answers to “why am I still playing.”

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I hate to say it but I agree that the mechanic should work without needing a buddy. I understand the social aspect behind the decision but I think we all need to realize that the majority of the player base are adults with conflicting schedules that make it impractical to match timeframes. For instance I had two hours last night and didn’t encounter anyone for almost an hour. Could’ve used that time to finally start artíficing. Riley please consider the suggestions/themes on this thread.

I think I have an idea that would be a good compromise between the dev’s vision and reality in game.
Make it so that you CAN see your own runes but (and this is important) only when a party member is somewhere NEARBY. Not necessarily standing right beside you but maybe in sight range or so.
Also, in this scenario show the player his own runes somewhere where he looks anyway and not above his head.
That’d mean you still need someone else (in your party, too) that fights with you but you can analyse your runes yourself while fighting mobs.

Sounds good?

Their stated vision for the tradeskill is that Client A would go to Artificer X. The Artificer would have the Client drink the potion, and observe them in battle under various circumstances before hand tailoring them some item sets. Having the client see their own runes doesn’t really make sense there.

I do think the wording on the runesight potion is misleading though, and makes it immediately sound like you will be able to see runes, rather than your runes will become visible to others.


Honestly I like the idea of this being a social thing. However frustrating it may be it’s not too crazy to think that it’s something you can’t comfortably perform on yourself. A dentist can’t necessarily perform every service on themselves without significant trouble. A surgeon can’t operate on themselves. At best these professionals can give others to assist them.

I think it’d be nice to drink the potion and be able to see the runes of other players, rather than displaying the runes above your own head. This would allow someone who wants to make their own set drink it and go stalk players with a similar style, and still allow people who want to make sets for others drink the potion and then just watch that player.