Bard Xylophone Glitch

As a Bard (not sure if this applies to any other classes) when leaving highsteep at the door by the players house/critter catcher, and you don’t have your weapon pulled out, the xylophone will appear (without any instrument orbs under it) out in front of you with your mallets still put away and doesn’t disappear. if you grab your mallets your hands disappear and your instrument orbs don’t appear. this has happened twice when going through this specific door but not any of the other ones. if you log out and log back in the xylophone disappears and everything works fine again.

Can you use the Send Report feature of the launcher to send us an output log if that happens to you again?

i tried to send it through the report bug feature but after typing it up it just got stuck on sending for 5 minutes.

Does it happen to you consistently every time then? If that’s the case I will just see if I can reproduce it on my end.

the two times yesterday it wouldn’t submit, just got home and tried it again. should be submitted now.

happened during battlegrounds for me. submit report

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