Beta 4 Has Ended

Annnd that’s a wrap! Beta 4 has now officially ended! We’ll be sending out details early next week on how to claim your Steam/Oculus keys in preparation for Early Access, and we’ll also keep you up to date as the head start approaches on what you need to do to prepare for that.



Thanks for another great test! So much was accomplished. These next few days will be painful waiting for EA!


REALLY FUN thoes last few moments i got to turn GREEN last second

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Had a great time. Thank you to everyone who made my alpha and beta experiences some of the best times I’ve had in VR.

See you in EA.


I’m sad the tests are over but extremely excited for EA. I’m glad I was able to take part in the tests, I had an awesome time.

I can’t imagine the stress you guys are going through getting ready for EA. I just wanted to say thank you for all the hard work you’re doing and you guys are doing a GREAT job!

Looking forward to EA!!!


Seconding Elk’s comment ~ Thank you to everyone for being so damn stellar. Orbus quickly became, and has remained, my favorite VR experience and I can’t wait to see you all again come the 13th.

A quick question though (sorry if it’s been addressed): Will the friend list persist to early access?

Take care everyone :slight_smile: See you in EA!

We survived the final beta! We’re about to become real adventurers of Orbus with no fear of being wiped ever again!


WOOOOOOO. was kinda sad cuz i got the day off but i guess i can wait. helluva game thus far guys keep it up. i’ll definitely be playing as musketeer

Can’t wait for headstart!

dont be excited for EA EA is greedy and a bad company…o im dumb

i love that class but am sad its a healer im bad with bows and prefer the musket but they need some sort of tree to up damage atleast imo

Their damage is pretty legit for being able to selfheal infinitely. They have possibly the highest potential for grinding out much stronger monsters

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michael has a point. i’ve been able to hang with the hardest of monsters as musketeer. but it all evens out. ranged and runemage is the top damage dealers but musketeer is meant to be more supportive. you deal some decent damage, you heal, an your cc orbs splash on multiple enemies so it makes team fights much easier. it’s all in how you use him


Omg steam patching can’t wait.

oh i just figured they heal they dont do good damage and archer would be better for good dps

it’s hard to draw a bow and move at the same time, same with rune casting. and I don’t know if there’s been enough testing to see who does the most damage over time. Gunners don’t suffer from fatigue like some of the other classes.

Man I got to play for like 2 days and i’m already hyped for the release

Just waiting for EA now. so bored!

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i thought everyone said rangers did most dps but eh ill figuer it out in a few weeks when early acess is a thing

hang in there try rec room or something