Beta 6 Dungeons Feedback

I found the level 8 shard in my inventory. Maybe I looted it while grabbing an arrow or something. I was dead when we completed the level 9 and got the option window pop up. I hit decline but then i couldn’t reawaken and had to relog. I went back to the chest that spawned which had the level 10 shard, a bow, and a dye i think. There as no 2nd chest. I have heard about a lot of other people having trouble hitting decline when they are dead because the reawaken box is on top of it.

Okay, I will look into that, sorry about that.

Did you have any weak spots getting stuck since the patch?

The weak spots seem fixed. One issue I have noticed though now that I can see mage spells again is that the weak spots are hard to see when a ton of spells are exploding on the boss. Also on some of the larger sized bosses the weak spots can get obscured by their model. most often when I am at their side and the boss’s arm can obscure them.

Also I’m really liking the changes made to shard dungeons. They are more challenging now and require more strategy.

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Agree with Landru, the curve seems more challenging now. Have to very on your game 6+. Not exactly sure what the lvl 10 shard mutator was supposed to do “Shared Damage” I believe. It didn’t seem to affect us in any noticeable way. Though thinking about it, it may apply to the mobs and not us.

Also, wanted to talk about the projectiles on Broken Halls Boss 2. They should not be able to go through the walls. We were having them disappear then require a target hidden behind a wall and circle back and hit someone. I feel like they are retargeting and changing direction too often. I’ll jump past one then turn around to watch it immediately 180 at me. All this MIGHT be ok (minus the wall stuff) but they seem to stick around for quite a long time.

Okay, we’ll look into that.

is the last boss on airship supposed to make your vision shake? if so, get rid of that garbage. that’s going to make people sick.

Likely getting reprojection/FPS drop from the green ring on boss 2. That thing wrecks FPS and seems to get worse as the fight goes on.

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Is that still happening? I have reduced that effect down to like the bare-bones. Something else must be going on, I’ll take a look at that.

is there a reason you cant just make the effect the same as the ‘red circles’ you use for aoes, but make it green? that seems even simpler. (obviously doesnt look as cool though).

That being said, maybe it should just be different on the low settings, i no longer have issues with it on my 2080.

I guess I’m wondering if there is an issue where it’s repeatedly spawning in the circle over and over again or something.

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do we still have the issue with spells being kept in memory from OG? also is there any plans to make those circles move? it is just a little boring for them to always stay in the same spot

I think it might be, it’s not that bad at the start of the fight, but by the end of the fight you get really low framerates if you look at the circle

Okay yeah I see the problem that’s what it is. I’l get that fixed.


Shouldn’t we be getting level 30 potions from the daily shard dungeon rewards? We are still getting level 20 potions.


^ same from level “31” reward caches

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Airship dungeon first boss says Choas instead of Chaos.

If you spawn enemies on the airship before putting a shard in those enemies don’t scale up with the shard.

We pushed out a fix for this just now; when you activate the shard the “spawn rotation” will now always reset with scaled enemies, so letting them spawn before activating the shard is basically pointless now.