Beta 6 Patch 2.74

A new client and server-side build will be deploying in about 1 hour with the following changes:

  • Fixed a new bug we introduced in 2.72 and 2.73 which was causing some physics-based items to not sync up properly, for example sliding while using the menu, Bard mallet hit detection while moving, and probably a lot of other stuff.
  • Tweaked the Musketeer bullet hit detection to make extra sure your orbs collide with the ground even if you are firing right at the ground.
  • We’ve added a new icon which will automatically appear above creatures in the world that you currently have a Monster Hunting mission for. This should make it easier to tell the creatures you are supposed to kill for those missions. The icon will go away if either a) you complete all the items on the checklist for the mission, or b) you turn in the mission.
  • Added a sign with Alchemy temperatures to Player House
  • Updated navmeshes in some zones to fix collision issues, particularly the Collosus cave.
  • Fixed a bug in Runemage spell casting which would cause Icelance and other “ray” type attacks to stick to your wand.
  • Added transmog glove rewards to mission NPC vendors.
  • Added Fellowship and Backer Rewards NPCs back into the game
  • Fixed a bug which was sometimes causing zones to soft-crash, leading to an issue where you would get black screens trying to load into them; now they should always hopefully crash and auto-restart if they encounter an issue.

I’ll update the thread when the patch is available for download. The server restart will require the new patch so it won’t be done until after it’s out.


The client-side patch is now available:

Server-side will be live in about 15 minutes.

Server-side patch is now out as well. Please note that you must get the new client side patch or you will encounter errors. Thanks!

The dragon race times should start showing up on the leaderboards in-game shortly.

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we ned a ! for the … silver gold enemy missions in the same color, every time o look aaa 60% to gold und close the window and so one…