Beta 6 Patch 2.92

Where in PvP Battlegrounds? Someone else was just saying only mage spells are still broken.

Yesterday around Highsteppe I couldn’t see my party mate’s arrows at all and he couldn’t see my mage spells (neither of us have done battlegrounds yet) so we just paid attention to enemy health bars. Several minutes later (maybe an hour later) when we went to the rainforest, suddenly we could both see. We turned right around and went back to Highsteppe and could still see. I had assumed it fixed in a patch last night. It seems to be intermittent on complete invisibility in the overworld, and a zone change may or may not give it the opportunity to trigger on/off.

where or when? it was happening throughout all of the battleground area, and was right before i made my post. also after that battle grounds i could see the peoples attacks in crypt shard 4, but then later in a airship 1 couldnt see it again, it seems to be very on and off, with it happening a lot more frequently or always while in the battlegrounds

Are they always ghosts when you can’t see their attacks? Or sometimes are they normal players and you still can’t?

Also if you could send me an output log after a BG where it happens that would be great, thanks.

next time i get a BG sure, and it happens with both ghosts and non ghosts

Unless I’m missing something, both affliction 1 and 2 are lasting 10 seconds.

EDIT: Also, there are still some bugs with the ray damage:

  • Ray now only does 2 ticks instead of 3
  • When 4 dots are applied, the first ray tick does the damage for 4 dots (6432) and the second tick always does the damage for 3 dots (5053). One of the dots isn’t wearing off; it just does less damage on the second tick for some reason.
  • The damage for 5 dots is broken: it’s the same as the damage for 3 dots (5053)

We had never appeared as ghosts to each other and had not been doing battlegrounds at all. I could see his bow, see the arrow in his bow if I were specifically looking and close enough, but it’d vanish upon release. We were normal players, in a party together, and did not have world pvp on nor had we taken any potions.

Whilst doing dungeons yesterday, everyone appeared to randomly have no head or be ghosts. This was different for everyone. Some people were showing as ghosts and others were not.

We also experienced multiple desyncs throughout the runs and massive lag spikes where we would damage and the spell might not appear for 2-3 seconds and/or the tank would do a bunch of sword swings and all the hits would register at once.

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We’ll look into the Ray rick issue, it should be 3 ticks.

The maximum bonus you can get for Ray is 3 dots. There was a bug we fixed where if you had more than 3 it wasn’t giving any bonus at all, but 3 is the intended maximum.