Beta 6 Patch Notes

Yes basically it’s just a situation where the tank would need to have taunt ready to re-acquire aggro.

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Couple of other notes:

  • The XP gained from doing Public Events has been increased to 5,000 for Gold, 4,000 for Silver, and 3,000 for Bronze.
  • You now gain an 8,000 XP bonus the first time you do a matchmade dungeon each day, in addition to the base 2,000 XP gained for doing any dungeon. Both of these values will gain a 175% bonus if you are on a discipline that is a lower level than your current max.
  • Weapons no longer take durability damage. We made this change to prevent a bunch of issues around people’s weapons breaking and then e.g. killing a boss and getting no loot.
  • If you turn in a Mission that is more than 5 levels below your current level, you will receive a reduced XP reward. We are working on a client-side patch for later that will better indicate when this will happen. But basically for now the lower-level ones are always the first ones that show up.

Please tell me this does not include weekly quests.

Weekly quests should be unaffected as they don’t have a level.

Fishing level didn’t transfer over into fishing rep

Dram mount is 1 billion.

Haha yeah we noted that in the Known Issues, someone put a couple extra zeroes on there. We’ll get that fixed later today.

Noted, we’ll get that fixed.

  • Still can’t destroy Raid pets
  • Raid pets can’t be stroked or fed
  • Expert mode cape shows as a white cape
  • Transmog wardrobe doesn’t have capes in it

if you lock an item in your hand and then grab the item with your other hand the hand you originally grabbed the item with disappear until you press the grip button.

Shark hands!
PS. Sticky items is not fixed


Can you be more specific as to how you’re still getting it to happen? If I just grab an item and then grab an item with my other hand it releases from the first hand…

Or are you saying this is related to the new “stick if you hold onto it on purpose” feature?

Oh, actually, is it just the fish that are doing it? It should be showing up as a shark fin not a whole shark so that might be a different issue.

i dont even switch anything, i just press the grip quickly and they all get stuck

Okay yeah I think that’s actually a different problem, looking into it now.

all the fish are popping up as entire fish
And all ingredients have this problem

another bug is that you need to wave directly into a players face to get a reaction, it forces me to bend down to wave

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are you talking about waving to the salvaging NPC? If so I think I can make the box collider larger (like normal size or slightly larger) and you should be able to wave straight ahead

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so when I logged onto reborn and it gave me a base character and the option to change. I changed my character’s appearance to what I wanted which was completely different from the base it gave me. When I clicked save it immediately put my character back to the base model it logged me on as and now I can’t change my character to how I want it to look because it saved the base and not what i changed.

Do you have more than one character in your list? Just to be sure it shows you the look of the first character again after you hit save unless you re-select it. If that’s not what happened let me know the name of the character and I can give you another refresh.

It was the only character I had on my list, the character’s name is Kidney, I made a temporary character to play on but Kidney is the main one I want to use