You heard Potato say he tested it too, right? But yeah I am also very tempted to think the faster tiles just trigger if you cast faster. But I would also not be surprised if it does not work. This is because the precision ranger tilesets have also proven that you can be at that exact speed where you barely don’t trigger the Z tile (1 second delay) but also don’t trigger the M tile (2 hits per second).
I was tempted to say nothing but meeh ppl will find out anyway and others talked already anyway . @Asmund_T what could have happened in your test is you are only concentrating on having a delay tile between your spells which is not how the hits per second tiles work. They just trigger once per second which means you will see tiles pop up something like this: Frost, Frost, Frost, “3 hits per second”. You have to keep up with that speed though because the second timer when it starts is out of your control (hence the broken precision ranger tilesets problem I posted about in the past). If you did check for that and no 2 hits per second or 3 hits per second delay pops up then it might be a bug. Something like if you hit exactly 3 hits per second speed it bugs out to not 2 hits per second but also not 3 hits per second
Everyone I’ve ever spoken to agrees that Fireball 3 is too weak for how long it takes to cast, and with the improvements in reborn eliminating artificial delays that held rapid-fire Fireball 2 back, Fireball 3 is falling even further behind.
should get rid of all shortcuts and rebalance the spells based on complexity… the fact that some lvl 3 spells are easier to cast than lvl 1 spells is broken and will never be balancable with other classes
You can’t ban shortcuts. It’s not technically possible because you can’t differentiate between a shortcut, and a sloppy attempt at drawing the spell the official way.
Also, neither of the level 3 spells are easier than any level 1 spell.
I think it may have something to do with spell animation now being client-side (? Less lag, just guessing) and is not synking with actual spell if canceled? Just a theory.
(Clarification. Theory on spells beeing seen as gong strait into the ground and then are invisile for everyone except caster)
I didn’t notice until yesterday because Squall’s spells were going into the ground instead of hitting the boss on my PoV but when playing with J I noticed that when spells hit bosses now they really big particle effects on contact which make it hard to see the boss for weak points and interrupting, affliction is especially bad could you look into it and maybe reduce it a bit?
I think you may have nerfed arcane explotion a bit far. The aoe is much more reasonable now, and if you can manage to get more then 5 enemies into it it should spread to all of them like any aoe.
Realistically… Most mages will be switching to true affinity with these changes (especially after rounds of testing done yesterday). for 2 main reasons mages will be unlikely to switch to true affliction:
With the arcane explosion nerfs, single target is likely more effective even for packs of 3-4. Tanks can handle 2-3 enemies easily so killing off each enemy fast will likely become the meta again.
Only being able to spread one of your own dots causes the side effect of a flat damage increase (apart from dots overwriting cam mentioned why in his post). This is instead of a nice accumulative damage increase that you see with affinity.
I think to resolve this you could either increase the number of afflictions that can be spread by a single mage again (so affli stacking twice or 3 times again for example) or increase the tick damage that the affli spec has.
If arcane explosion was nerfed for being too strong in PVP, then maybe you could bring the AoE back up, but base the damage on how close you are to the center of the explosion?
the damage of it wasn’t changed, it was just made so it doesn’t work with triplicity which is understandable as it was very OP in PVP and also somewhat OP in PVE
First of all, the per tick damage from boosted arcane ray is bugged.
The ray’s ticks should do more damage with 4 dots, right? I didn’t test 5 but I’m assuming it has the same issue.
Because of the bug, I couldn’t run damage estimates for more than 1 affliction, 1 fire, and one frost dot per mage. So I compared a dungeon/raid scenario: 3 mages with one of each type of dot each.
No talent rotation: A normal rotation of fire/frost/fire/frost and affliction every 12 seconds (when it runs out) for each mage
True Affliction rotation: affliction+frost+fire+arcane ray+repeat. This seemed to be the optimal rotation for a single affliction TA user (to use arcane ray, a major source of dps, as frequently as possible with all 3 dots).
I didn’t include tilesets or other talent bonuses (i.e. selfish streak) in the model.
(ESTIMATES! The in game damage meter seems to be consistent with the estimates, though)
(This is level 20 damage. Level 30 damage should scale the same?)
There are 2 issues with the new damage. First, even without a talent mages still do far more damage than with TA. This might change when arcane ray gets boosted by 5 dots, depending on how much damage it gets boosted, but that would also require no other mages to be in the party (even affinity users need to use the affliction weakness debuff, which would take away 1 of the dots from the TA ray).
Second, the new damage method still has the same design flaw as the 2.90 balance pass: mages aren’t rewarded for casting faster. The curve for 2.91’s damage curve is very flat. Notice the chart below the graph; for a 100% increase in casting speed (.6 spells/second is probably the level of a new mage whereas 1.2 spells/second is very fast for experienced mages). The skill improvement from newbie to beginner only grants an estimated 29% damage increase. New mages shouldn’t do almost as much damage as expert mages. Any balance pass that reduces the initial damage each spell will reduce the effect of casting speed on damage.
It’s also important to note that any TA rotation including arcane ray will get less buffs from selfish streak and tiles. During the 3.5 seconds of dead time while the ray is blasting, selfish streak and tiles will wear off (unless we figure something new out with tiles?) and the super ability won’t charge. A normal no talent or affinity rotation will always have tiles and selfish streak active. The inclusion of these buffs will further the distance between no talent dps and TA dps.