Bonus hearthstones for buying multiple homes

i know it’s not called a hearthstone but that’s what it is essentially so forgive the terminology for a moment

right now it seems there is really NO bonus to buying a new home because the high steppe home is the most centrally located house (as it should be) that being said i don’t see why you would want to pay 2 grand for something detrimental to your game play that is going to 9/10 make your travel time triple. Why am i going to buy a house for 2k (which considering a starting bid on a market stall is 5k is a pretty significant amount) in the jng for that one in a hundred chance i have a quest that sends me there if it means i can’t TP back to high steppe

so either could we lower the price of buying a house deed from 2k to like 200

or could we say add a hearthstone for every house and make it a collection type deal for every house you buy there is a separate item that comes with it so you can TP to that specific home on a separate CD from your other ones that would make spending the 2k a whole lot more reasonable and make traveling around the world much more accessible to non runemages.


I agree, I’d prefer a separate teleport for each location. Or perhaps one central location, but different “portals” out of there to each location you’ve purchased. So that you still keep all your materials in one location. I’ve never purchased another house for the sole reason that the highsteppe one is the most centrally located, anything else would be a detriment.


I don’t get it, you have teleports for each location anyway, the wand is an easy must carry because of it.

They would have to make it more expensive like at least 20k per house deed.


So what’s the point of the different houses?

How about the ability to shake the teleporter like we can with the compass to change from party to fellowship chat. Give it a color change or something, Blue for Highsteppe, Yellow for Guild City, etc.

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Dunno, is the interiors in other houses any different?

Yeah, I don’t know either. I’m guessing they’re just a different aesthetic but all the same stuff. I don’t want to spend 4k dram (2k to see, 2k to switch back?) to check and see because of the issues raised in this thread.

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Or insert correct key into device.
But I’m agree that current price is too low for that. I would like to see different prices for different locations as well. Like rainforest - 20k, desert - 30k.

As for teleports they require reagents, but still will be used for group port and no CD.

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not everyone wants to have to off class runemage JUST so they can TP to different sections of the world + reagent farming becomes a must then.

i’m not object to them raising the price of a home hell even vary the prices based on location because a home next to guild city wouldn’t cost the same as a shack in the rain forest if they make the purchase more valuable i could see homes starting 10k lowest for the ability to have more TP convenience and it would make basically just for players who have either worked the economy or saved up for a long time to get.

I like this more expensive suggestion. I admit I was a little bummed after purchasing my guild city house that you lose your old place. It seems odd in a continuity sense to buy property, then lose it at no profit upon buying more…

As to speculation, from what I have seen my houses are all exactly the same inside. I just like Guild City because it’s a pretty spot, right next to the river to Lake Susannah which is full of a great fish, and away from the madness that is the starting area(as fun as that can be - sunfishers holla at ya boy!).

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