Bring back the airship!

The airship moving around was awesome for any new player, even if the ride was a tad boring. The dungeon airship just is not the same, as the entrance is in a tree and the ground is not moving!

You need some more wow factor back! Give us a viewable moving airship again :wink:


yeah I am fine with an airship which you can’t even ride. Just the visual of a giant object flying in the sky is awesome. I already realized making the airship viable and comfortable to ride in VR seems to be too much time consuming and not worthwhile for the devs, but just a flying ship around the world would be very much appreciated. (instead of only happening inside dragon races)

The moment the airship flew over while I was exploring Highsteppe was the moment I knew I was hooked on the game. I’ve talked to several other players who had a similar experience.

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