You used to have a demo on steam that let people play to level 10, this really made it easier for people to give the game a proper try.
For a while you were talking about plans to bring it back in a different way, but there hasn’t been any talk of it in forever, this I think would really help bring more people in, especially if you’re able to also make it available on the meta quest store.
Make the game free! No one wants to buy the game in it’s current state and it’s not worth the ~20 dollars in it’s current state. A free game would bring in new players as well.
it is absolutely worth the 20 dollars, there’s still just as much content. Making it free would completely remove what is probably their main source of income keeping the server up.
A demo would let people actually try before committing to buying, or being limited by the 2 hour playtime to be able to refund it.
It’s more than worth twenty dollars lol. And how do you expect them to pay server costs if nobody pays for the game?
I’m sure the game was worth the ~20 you spent on it a while ago, you’ve had you’re fun and still enjoy the game to this day. But think of a new player who spent 20 dollars on this MMO just to find out there’s only about 2 other people on. If it’s content you judge a game off of than look at games such as No Mans Sky and Fuel. Those have decades of content to do, doesn’t mean they’re good games. I understand the devs need money, and have long since suggested they add a patron or in game optional subscription, or any way to support them beyond the in-game cosmetic shop and buying the game; they haven’t added anything of the such. A community like this would absolutely donate to keep the game running. It’s the devs decision to keep their only income on keeping the game running to be buying the game/cosmetic shop.
First of, bad example lol, no man’s sky is an amazing game, was shit at launch, but has since more than made up for that and is now a genuinely good game(that’s not just my niche opinion either, just look at steam reviews)
Tho that’s besides the point, orbus is still a game worth 20 bucks to a new player IMO, the whole game is still here and there are still enough people playing regularly that you can play all of it regularly.
I’m not saying No Mans Sky is a bad game, I quite like the game in fact. I’m just saying it has a huge amount of content in it. But it isn’t the massive amount of content that makes it a good game.
I quite disagree that the “whole game” is still here. It’s an MMO without many players. There’s rarely more than a shard party on at any given hour, that impedes what players can do. If there were more people then they’d be able to do more stuff. A free game would most likely bring in more players to do more stuff.
you can still get good solo and join a raid group there are many groups that still play
People still run content, most of it is just prescheduled in Discord servers, so you don’t see people hanging around town.
I’m not saying there is not content being ran/to be ran, but I’m saying there is a big lack of players in this game now. And because of that lack of players, there’s a lack of content that players can run. A free game would bring in more players, more players means more potential content.
What content can’t players run currently?
battlegrounds lol
Dungeon ques rarely pop now. Battle grounds take a lot of effort to get going. Doing a shard requires asking people off game to get on for it. Raid que, although that que is broken and the devs haven’t fixed it for years. Raids are restricted to sign ups made days in advance. I’m not saying that the people can’t run content, I’m saying the lack of players limits when and what content they can do at any given time.
Free to play isnt viable, they don’t have the money to sustain hundreds of people online. If they did the entire game shouldn’t be free to play if it were to be free to play it should function like. Level cap 30 Gear cap +3, shard cap 6 access to guild city raid series with hardmode dropping +3 to f2pers, inital highsteppe dungeons unlocked but no outside dungeons. With the ability to pay for the game and unlock all the content we have.
You REALLY think if the game were to become free there would be hundreds of new players? So many new people it would cause problems? I don’t see that being an issue with Orbus. As mentioned above they can start a Patreon or anything like that for players to support the game. It was their choice not to implement that so I don’t see money as an issue here.
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