Bringing back mob grinding

You misunderstand me. He can’t just raze xp, but if he lowers one, and ups another you should get rougly the same xp.

I’m suggesting lowering quest and events.
Raising all the smal stuff.

Right now if you do the gate defence it spawns about 5 mobs around 12 times. That’s 60 mobs.
You kill all of them, 75xp each at the best, fighting really hard.
That gives you 4000xp.
Then the event gives you 7500. It also gives 7500 to the random guy, popping up in the last second to kill one mob.

I’d suggest probably flipping those numbers.

Same with quests, say they lower the xp with a few those d but then adding xp for the parts of the quest you do in the field. Like 25xp for taking a ring in a Dragon race, 100xp per kill in the battlegrounds and flag capture, 750xp for caching a rare fish, and so on.

The xp you get for questing should be the same, it’s at what part you get it that changes.

It’s more that I want to make grinding a feasible option rather then forcing a grind.

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I’m surprised where this is going to… alot of newer players said the opposite. Sure all is a piece of cake with your +4 gear at some point (that’s what dungeons for though, and perhaps world bosses), but I avoid most of the mobs in wasteland and nearly all the groups when farming, because it’s not a secured win. They do skip around, they take forever, at least for certain classes, and if I pull too many I die, that simple.

The overall skill required for any mob, from the start, is much higher than in the OG, exactly because they are no longer just standing there or move up and start hitting, but react to your actions, what makes getting into grinding much harder. When leveling the mage in the OG I hardly got more than 1 or 2 successful fireballs casted before the mob was on me.

As for dangerous things, I would not fight the stafrage group alone, nor the colossus group, nor wasteland-groups nor most of the close-by-standing mobs in caves; testing the shaman interrupt in rainforest I ran into a couple mobs which are wandering or running away right into a second mob which is easy to pull with your totems; also there’s elites in every area.

There’s actually only a few areas where you can just level up or learn your class, in peace and one reason that people avoid the kill-quests is that mobs are not trivial to take down.

The second issue I still got is that I actually never had to play ANY other class once my main was leveled. I started looking into what my shaman totems do with level 26. I get asked by players what basic skills are for, which are 30 on that class. Equipping a weapon before you get xp is enough to level and all events are faster and easier to do with one’s main. This should really be different, I would still favor quests tied to classes at least, or bonus-quests just for them.

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Yah, sorry, I was thinking in a group battle, solo with level scaling anything can kill you, and groups are almost impossible :sweat_smile:

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Very very tempted to quote the thread with my very roughly drawn graph of rarity in drops and how the ‘middle ground’ needs some filling again…

and this…

^— As the only VRMMO in the world right now, please do not become another rec room rofl. I have not said much on the topic because I am awaiting patch notes for June :smiley:


i wasn’t misunderstanding. in order to make grinding (which i hate) more advantageous, you want to decrease exp from other sources (the ones i actually use). In effect, this will make people who dont like grinding take longer to level. Also, i would like to point out that according to riley, mobs give more exp than they did in OG orbus (as a % of level)… so ‘bring back mob grinding’ really just means in this game ‘get rid of the other things to do’. This is, afterall, the point being brought up here…

They aren’t grinding because they want to and then seeing it is a waste of time… they are trying to level and then seeing it isn’t the most efficient way to level. Like me, they just want to hit end game content as fast as possible. I’m sure a huge percentage of us would love for riley just to put in a ‘to lvl 30’ button that instantly brings all your classes to level 30.

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I mean, I’m OK with all of the current quest and public events xp, I would just like a raise in Mob XP. Like, killing a red 4 point enemy would give you 500 XP, and that is about a minute or whatever depending on skill. Then you could spend an hour there, kill 50-60 mobs, come away with 25,000 XP, get better at your class and level a bit. Because at this point we might as well have a to lv30 button because then at least we save 30 days of critter capture that way… If anyone wants to do quests and whatever, do that, but once I finish my critter capture for the day I just like to go find some high level mobs and grind for some decent xp and rare loot, possibly getting an overworld drop, too.


Yea, devs stated before it is raised, compared with the OG, but it still does not match the other xp sources. Handing in a quest gives 12k xp, there is likely none or very, very few which equal the time to grind 120 mobs (greens give around 100xp on my alt class).
The system that those over your own level give more xp, greens and yellows less etc. doesn’t work well any more with level-scaling, greens don’t become so much faster than the rest, also people overlevel the majority of mobs existing in the game pretty fast.
The few left which would (likely) drop double xp past level 20 I found impossible to bring down solo with unfamiliar classes or only takin on very long fights. I generally don’t think long solo fights belong to the overworld or that many will be fond of that.
Not only for leveling, but mainly because once that is done mobs are used for farming. I can currently kill 20-30 mobs, each carefully sorted and pulled out of their groups if needed, with perhaps 1 or 2 significant drops. If that becomes 30mins of farming with almost no yield it would get really boring with time.

PS: As for bringing the wilds back, I am still fond of - instanced - areas which are solo-able and either used for farming or a pve-contest area where classes can practice, compete on mobs and do records etc.

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Yeah, there is a large imbalance in XP. Catching 15 rats should not be equal to killing 120 enemies.

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Uhh and perhaps one single point, most who are posting here got a relaxed stock of lvl 30s by now already, at least all mains should be done by now. Whatever is changed, it should not set people who start the game just now - and in the future - even more behind the OG ones :wink:

I’m going to attempt to bring this thread in for a landing, because I feel like we are going far afield from the original topic, and as always there is a lot of exaggeration going around.

I am all for supporting additional play styles in the game. I can definitely get behind the idea that we need to increase some of the rewards around the grinding play style for players who enjoy that. Some of those rewards might be XP, but I think long-term rewards other than XP are going to be just as important. My assumption is that for most of the veteran players talking in this thread, XP is not your primary driving motivation at this point, anyway.

At the same time, I don’t really have a problem with people in the game who want to focus on non-combat activities to get to Level 30. I think it’s vastly uncommon and you all are building a mountain out of a molehill, and I can say that because I can literally look and see that there’s a whopping 0.1% of people who are Level 30 that have anything less than Rep Level 3 with the Monster Hunting missions.

Again, getting to Level 30 is about playing the game in whatever way is fun to you. I don’t see any benefit at all in gatekeeping and saying that the only fun someone can have in the game is grinding mobs, or doing Monster Hunting.

At the same time, I fully support expanding the available activities in the game, including introducing new rewards to support new stuff to do that might be more free-form and give veteran players who want to spend 2 or 3 hours in-game doing something a worthwhile activity besides just public events or missions. And that is what we will be working on.


free form challenging mobs to kill with rewards other than exp. It might help to get some sort of hint or preview as to what you are doing with the over leveling system (although you might not want to drop spoilers just yet :stuck_out_tongue: ).

I made this character 3 days ago, it took 13 hours 57 min to get to 30, I did it while taking breaks to play on my main to get shards done etc so it’s not like I went all out on it like I did on release of Reborn with my main.

I killed 0 mobs, didn’t complete any PvP or Monster Hunter kills, I did every mission I could while leveling, when I was under level 20 I didn’t have enough missions to keep me going so I had to keep doing the portal public event in highsteppe until I leveled to unlock more missions, once I got higher I could also do Flying fish but had to be more careful of the mobs there and that I didn’t get close enough to agro, once I hit level 20 I got access to the weekly missions and that was enough with a few of the public events to make it so I wasn’t waiting around on the public events to get to the next level and set of missions which came with that level so went a lot smoother after that, around level 7 was the worst due to lack of missions that weren’t related to killing


you killed fish, not a pacifist. better start over. :joy:


Good. I will wait until this is in place before I recommend this game to others.

I actually recommended old Orbus to others.
This game, I cannot.


I agree. Thos game now is basically like monster hunter. Get to max level as soon as possible (too soon) then group and do raids and pvp. It’s an action RPG with other players.

i mean… that’s all MMO though… only a very small percentage of the population actually enjoys grinding.

I feel like all the crazy end gamers have vastly differently game desires then the average player. Personally I wish there was an option like you could grind forever or just follow the quests. I agree though there isn’t incentive to kill things in the overworld unless you need them for a quest

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This sounds great - though I’m wondering why looting is capped instead of just a set % like other traditional MMOs?

I think that part is talking about the rare overworld drops that you only get a hidden roll for every 60 seconds, all other drops are set percent. The drops are supposed to be something you get just exploring the overworld, not something you just sit there and grind for so there is an anti-grind mechanic built into it.