I joined the Ready Player One fellowship last night (Tuesday evening) and saw the Fellowship option in my menu and could see the the list of other fellows.
Tonight when I logged on, I didn’t have the fellowship option in the menu, and above my head I was told the fellowship name wasn’t showing.
Of course at first I thought “Oh no, was I kicked?” but I’m in our Discord and chatting, I wasn’t kicked.
- I logged off and back on and then it showed up, the menu option and the text over my head.
- A little while later I had to log off and when I came back a couple of minutes later it was gone again!
- So then I logged off again and back on and it was showing again.
Very odd.
One person in our fellowship said they had maybe the same issue which Riley fixed for them.
Possibly related: sometimes (not all of the time, seems random to me) when I point my finger at the menu items whole letters disappear.
I’m using the Steam client (and not a beta branch) and HTC Vive, if that helps.