Call For Rune Tile Activator Information!

Need a huge favour from you all!

A lot of you have put serious effort into figuring out what activates the rune tiles.

We are in the process of putting together an up-to-date wiki for Orbus. And are currently working on the rune activation section.

Could you respond to this (or DM me) with what runes you use and what activates them?

Thank you in advance for all your help!

This is what we have so far:

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Thanks Rickness. :slight_smile:

@Pherosis If you’re interested in getting together on expanding the Ranger (my primary) artificing and runeset sections, I would definitely be willing to work with you and take some Runic Sight. I’m usually available in game on weekdays around 6PM-8PM EST and sometimes 11PM EST.

Nice, thank you @roadkilz. It should be easy to work out a time when we are both on. :slight_smile:

We have all of the rune tiles up now (Thank you @Scott!), there is just a few that the activation for is still unknown.

Does anyone know what activates any of the following?


For a bigger view of them, you can go here:

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