Can't leave fellowship at all

I have tried over 50 times now. Sometimes it seems I have left and the new fellowship adds me and then a minute later I am back in the old fellowship. This has been going on for 3 days. I have had fellowship issues from the beginning of this game so maybe this is an area to explore fixing. Maybe I should just give up Guilds “fellowships” altogether.

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Hello there I’m sorry you’re having trouble with fellowships but don’t let that shy you away from joining up with others and becoming part of a fellowship. The end game community is great and is the most rewarding part!

The only fellowship problem I personally have ran into is the fellowship name switching to previously joined fellowships. Make sure that’s not what’s just happening. Also maybe provide a recording it could always help them potentially.

Keep in mind bugs only get fixed after they are posted here in forums first.

I love the game and most everyone has been awesome. I enjoy the fellowship I am in at the moment that I can’t seem to leave. It’s not the people at all. It’s just there are a few of us that play exclusively together daily and we want to start a fellowship and bring in new people so we can grow as a team. Just like the other fellowship did. They grew together and are great, but just not my personal fit. I’m sure you understand; some people enjoy questing and missions, and some enjoy high end raids. Just different. I am certainly not leaving on bad terms or with bad vibes against the members.

I heard this bug was around for awhile and it just hits some people. Everytime I leave, about a minute later I am back in and hear everyone talking and see the list of members. Rinse and repeat. I even have tried leaving and quickly shutting down in hopes it would take to no avail. Nope. Still there. I was out long enough once to be added to the new Fellowship for about 5 minutes then I was suddenly back in the old one. It’s kinda frustrating and kinda comical because I have to ask people what guild name is showing.

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@Mathieu_D should be able to fix that

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He emailed and said he would get to this soon. I know they are busy with other more pressing things at the moment.

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Oh for sure I was just insisting on not giving up on fellowships lol.

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